Posted on Feb 7, 2014
SGT Cda 564, Assistant Team Sergeant
How do you enforce the standard on Unit Pts. Sweat shirts, pants, t-shirts. While only the APFU is mandatory many units have alternate pt shirts and jackets. Should soldiers be forced to buy these or is that wrong? Should the unit pay for them through fundraiser, bake sale, etc.??<div><br></div><div>Id also like to know if anyone's COC has this in MFR format or something official or if its just peer pressure.<br><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>
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SSG Training Room Ncoic
Well in a little over 3 yrs serving in the same unit I have personally purchased 4 unit shirts all of the proceeds going back into the unit's FRG funds for unit events such Dining out's. Do I think a soldier should be forced to purchase one or be chastised for not buying one I think not. On this issue I leave it to the individual soldier whether they want to or not. Even though I have hated most of them I still buy them out of unit pride and to support my local FRG. 
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SPC Robert Patrick

In my first unit i bought the unit shirt mainly because it look cool but also it was more comfortable than our current apfus.  They didnt make it mandatory but it was highly recommended


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SGT Ben Keen
Soldiers are mandated to purchase uniforms all the time.  I don't see any issue with having them purchase a unit tshirt or something along those lines.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
11 y
Plus since when is it a bad thing to ask Soldiers to associate themselves with their units.  Whatever happened to esprit de corps and all that.
SGT Cda 564, Assistant Team Sergeant
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
Its not a question of being proud of or associating with your unit.....BN, and CO level shirts and winter top(sweatshirt or jacket) and pants= about $150. I can afford it as a single SGT living in the Bs. A married PFC with 2 kids?? not so much! 

Not to mention doing laundry everyday because you cant afford more than one set. Again I don't pay for water or electric so I can do it, but others might not be able too. What happens when youve washed them so much they fade? What if you rip them during PT? Just seems a little much for some lower enlisted. 
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
11 y
Okay that changes things up a little.  Yeah asking for $150 for something they can't wear outside the unit seems a little dumb.  $15 for a shirt, okay but asking for 150 for something they can't wear when they leave the unit doesn't add up.
MAJ Senior Signal Oc
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y

SGT Blackburn,

If it is the cost of the shirt and not the fact that they are requiring it to be worn then that is another issue. Let's look at this one point at a time.

First, after an IG inspection at Fort Campbell my brother had to deal with, you can't force Soldiers to purchase unit shirts. Although many commands I have worked with, especially in 82nd, that would make life extremely difficult for not being part of the unit.

As for the cost I can agree because my 82nd shirts were about 15 a shirt which added up quick. For my Soldiers that had problems buying them my Commo Chief or I would buy them so they wouldn't catch the flak.

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