Posted on Dec 3, 2019
What happens if you get CONUS leave approved, but you go OCONUS and get caught?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 21
What happens when you lie and intentionally circumvent rules and procedures meant to keep you safe?
If you're lucky, UCMJ. If you're unlucky, you'll find yourself afoul of the law or in an international incident while your Commanders explain to your Division General why you're in a Tijuana prison as the US Ambassador is trying to get you released.
If you're lucky, UCMJ. If you're unlucky, you'll find yourself afoul of the law or in an international incident while your Commanders explain to your Division General why you're in a Tijuana prison as the US Ambassador is trying to get you released.
CPL Joseph Elinger
SGM Erik Marquez
Unauthorized leave OVERSEAS etc...
That's almost a cousin to AWOL, or Desertion.
He had to go.
PS: I'll NEVER make light of an Overseas Security Briefing, & I'm the guy who doses off at almost all briefings, evening with The bird Colonel in front of my face.
Unauthorized leave OVERSEAS etc...
That's almost a cousin to AWOL, or Desertion.
He had to go.
PS: I'll NEVER make light of an Overseas Security Briefing, & I'm the guy who doses off at almost all briefings, evening with The bird Colonel in front of my face.
You don't have "CONUS leave" approved...That's not a thing.
You have LEAVE approved. You're not restricted to the address on your form. You're on leave. So long as you don't go to a prohibited country, you can circumnavigate the globe in a hot air balloon if you'd like and that's perfectly fine.
We aren't limited to the address on the form. Just make sure your number is good and your contactable.
You have LEAVE approved. You're not restricted to the address on your form. You're on leave. So long as you don't go to a prohibited country, you can circumnavigate the globe in a hot air balloon if you'd like and that's perfectly fine.
We aren't limited to the address on the form. Just make sure your number is good and your contactable.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Michael Hasbun - if you're CONUS and going OCONUS -For OCONUS leave you have to get it signed by the battalion commander usually - and you have to get a brief from S2 on overseas travel and go to the APACS site to get the code to put on the leave form. APACS is mandatory for DoD personal leave travel for AD and Reserve military in all combatant commands.
There's also the Foreign Clearance Guide.
But yes there is CONUS and OCONUS leave. If someone puts in leave that they're going to someplace in the US and they end up in another country, you better believe that person is getting in trouble.
There's also the Foreign Clearance Guide.
But yes there is CONUS and OCONUS leave. If someone puts in leave that they're going to someplace in the US and they end up in another country, you better believe that person is getting in trouble.
CPL Joseph Elinger
SFC Michael Hasbun S2 will ALSO advise you, above & beyond, of higher risk ie crime, culture, hostility,.. countries. In 98 they told me (for example) of high crime rated / tourist robberies in Bulgaria.
Why wouldn't you just request to go to the actual location you want to go to for leave?
It's not that much more extra work.
It's not that much more extra work.
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