Posted on Mar 13, 2015
1SG Michael Blount
I'm thinking of sending this to my Senator. Editing comments welcome. Comments on content - no so much.
Dear Senator Kaine:

I am a First Sergeant in an Army Reserve drill sergeant unit. We were repeatedly told by our Brigade leadership (COL Brelia), that Professional Military Education (PME) was our priority target for 2015. Brigade went so far as to say that Drill Sergeants would not be allowed to report to Ft Jackson and train Initial Entry Soldiers until PME was completed. In addition, PME was to count as Annual Training for this year.

I submitted the paperwork for the Commander's Course/First Sergeant's Course (CCFSC) at Ft Knox, beginning 22 March. I am just now finding out my parent command, 98th Division, is not going to fund it. Since this was supposed to count as my Annual Training for this year, it too is in jeopardy. I'm not the only one in this situation. Many of my subordinates and many in sister units are in the same boat.

Ordinarily, I would not jump eschelons in the chain of command. However, the inmates have taken over the asylum. We were told to attend these schools in lieu of AT. Now, there's no money to send people to these schools (though there is for full timers to attend "conferences" in Florida), and their statutorily required ATs are being jeopardized as well. I have two years left in the Army Reserve. I've deployed four times - twice each to Iraq and Afghanistan. My career is drawing to a close. Those Soldiers behind me are being screwed - please pardon my language.

I'm not sure what your office can do to unclog 98th Division's ossified arteries, but the Soldiers are paying an unjust and unfair price. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't say something. I'm hoping your office can help.

Michael E. Blount
First Sergeant
C Co 2d Bn 317th Rgt 3d Bde 98th Div (IET)
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Responses: 11
SGM Senior Career Counselor
The schools budget took a huge hit this year, I don't remember the exact number, but it was big, 40% rings a bell. Funding is certainly an issue across the USAR and DOD as whole. . "Conference" or TDY travel are entirely different from AT training dollars. So, lets not talk apples and oranges, your AT days are not in jeopardy, they are congressionally mandated and funded. You are authorized 14 days of AT, your unit has the money and obligation to let your perform AT.

I don't think I would fire off that letter just yet, I would suggest that you talk to your CSM, or at least step back from the laptop, cool off, and think it thru before your fire that round down range. Just my thoughts.............
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
SGM (Join to see) - Thank you for the counsel. Sometimes, as they say, the best shot is the one you don't take. Such was the case here. Didn't have to send that email.
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SSG Information Technology Specialist
FIRE FOR EFFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate you bringing that through RP.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
@SSG Danual Hays - I figured if I missed something or if I wasn't clear (I'm my own worst editor sometimes) that the guys on RP would redirect me little bit.
SSG Information Technology Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
I was being sincere, and fully understand.
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LTC Instructor
1SG Michael Blount, I hope you went through the IG first. Congress isn't in the chain of command, but a congressional is the nuclear option for dealing with command issues. I would urge anyone thinking about filing a congressional to consider whether they might need to cross that bridge again before nuking it.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
@MAJ Ryan Kile - I didn't mention those people, sir because I nearly blew a blood vessel trying to reach them in the first place. I's a Friday...who am I to expect people to do their jobs?
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