Posted on Mar 9, 2015
MSgt Robert Pellam
Okay, a similar question was asked a year ago, but I am going to move it a bit further. What is your favorite college course you have ever taken? What college course have you taken that was the most helpful in and out of the military? And of course. Why?

My favorite is one I am currently in, Hist 480 "The History of Innovation in Technology." This course is about the different innovations over time and the effect they have on history. For a History major who loves stuff. This is a perfect fit.

The most useful has been Englsh111, Rhetoric. This class taught me what I need to write and read critically while I am at school. Both of these professors are outstanding and I learned a lot.
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SSG Paralegal
Criminal procedure or constitutional law.
SSG Paralegal
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
Just a lot of cases. Some are good, many are depressing.
MSgt Robert Pellam
MSgt Robert Pellam
10 y
awe. My brother-in-law is a State Cop up in Pennsylvania. I am imagining all the funny stories he tells. But I can imagine the many depressing ones you have to read too. You don't get to filter those out i am afraid.
SSG Paralegal
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
It's more of the courts making bad law from bad facts. Watching rights get eroded
MSgt Robert Pellam
MSgt Robert Pellam
10 y
See that would suck just as much. I hate when people make bad decisions that hurt common people.
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Capt Cyber Systems Operations
Edited 10 y ago
My favorite class from college was The History of Aviation. I hate to admit it, but the most useful were some classes I dreaded from day one and dismissed as useless. My college made freshman take classes on Word, Excel, and writing. The AF sure loves reports and spreadsheets, so I use that knowledge almost daily.
MSgt Robert Pellam
MSgt Robert Pellam
10 y
History of Aviation... That is a class I will take. I have always loved Air Craft. From the balloons of the Civil War all the way through today, aviation has always been great. Just finished up a research paper on Sir Barnes Wallace. If you have never read his stuff I suggest it. He not only was the inventor of the bouncing bomb, but influenced so much in aviation and war fare today!. Thanks!
Capt Cyber Systems Operations
Capt (Join to see)
10 y
I'll have to check that out
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LT Jessica Kellogg
Intro to Forensic Anthropology was pretty fun. I also was in the college choir and orchestra all through college and loved that.
As far as most useful, probably my two internships (does that count?)
MSgt Robert Pellam
MSgt Robert Pellam
10 y
Forensic Anthropology sounds cool. I always like finding stuff out. Not my complete cup of Tea as I hear "forensic" and think of cutting something open. I am probably wrong. .. Actually I hope i'm wrong :D As for Internships.. heck yes they count. Internships teach you with experience. Best type of learning. Thanks!
LT Jessica Kellogg
LT Jessica Kellogg
10 y
Since it was just the intro, so no actual lab work. But the theory was really interesting. Lots of how you would identify a body, and determining time, cause and manner of death.
MSgt Robert Pellam
MSgt Robert Pellam
10 y
See now that would be up my ally. Love all the Theory craft of how things work.

I will admit when I read "How you would identify a body" my brain went to crazy land and I was thinking "well its not a car, not a plant.. is it a body for $500 Alex?" Sorry the only excuse I have for that one is its Monday :D again awesome, thank you.
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