Posted on Sep 28, 2013
CPL Timothy Sweat
As a retired soldier, I feel that if you felt the Military was so bad why didn't you as a person get out sooner.  Those of us that served our country proudly, would gladly say with respect and honor that all we did was for the USA.      
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Responses: 15
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Timothy, my interpretation of the question you posed is: does a veteran have the right to do this vs. should they do it and how.  As I'm sure you know, an individual's free speech, etc. is protected by law, provided it does not violate certain criteria.  Now on to the more pressing issue of whether a veteran should bash the military (without trying to be constructive) after they leave -- my personal opinion is no.  I don't like seeing this happen, and a veteran sitting back and criticizing his old unit or old leaders -- when it's just for the sake of being critical -- often doesn't make anything better.
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LTC Kevin Kugel
I find that the ex-Soldiers that bash the Army are most often those that had trouble with the Army values and/or Army lifestyle in the first place.  You will rarely hear a Soldier that had a successful career (whether that career be one enlistment or 20+ years) "bash" the military.  The junior CPT with a pattern of BCOM OERs or the permanent E-4 with multiple Art 15's has always somehow been wronged by their Chain-of-Command.  And of course, they would argue that Soldiers with successful careers just got that way because they kissed @ss and were "yes" men or women.  I think that attitude is just an extension of the growing attitude across our society that believes that success and happiness are somehow owed to them and not things that must be earned through hard work and dedication.  My two-cents.
CMC Robert Young
CMC Robert Young
>1 y
Sir, I see a similar pattern in the Coast Guard. Those who have problems assign blame on the service instead of taking personal responsibility. They failed to recognize that their peer group is typically successful, and that they are the one's out of step. There is a generation of people who don't understand or value hard work, self discipline or team above self.
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MAJ Derrick J.

What does "bashing the military" mean? 


In order to have a meaningful discussion, that must be defined and recognition of the right to speak one's mind freely must be injected into the conversation.  The question on its face seems to indicate a subsurface inclination towards curtailing people's free speech rights....


Just sayin'

PO3 Dan Wagoner
PO3 Dan Wagoner
>1 y
I totally agree about your question of "bashing the military" its such a broad question.... I can safely say that l had some bad moments and some good moments within my service time but to actually sit back and post blame and say that the military is completely bad is a far left sided, good point
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