Posted on Sep 20, 2019
Does state active duty provide flexible schedules to work with college or do I have to work my schedule around state active duty?
I am a full time college student also applying for state active duty and wanted to know whether state active duty provides flexible schedule to work with college or do i have to work on my college schedule around state active duty timings?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
If you are being put on SAD that is between you and your supervisor. The Duty is first. Your college aspirations come second. I am going to ask this again. Where is your first line leader? Do you not have an NCO thatnyou report to that answers these questions or are you simply just trolling this social network?
PV2 (Join to see)
With all due respect sir, all these questions i ask is because the answers given by my squad leader either are insatisfactory or are incomplete and when i dont find the answers anywhere i turn to ralleypoint. Since i am in national guard they also serve 2 days in a month and i feel like its not appropriate to invade in their private space most of the time with my questions.
LTC Jason Mackay
PV2 (Join to see) - I find it hard to accept you are simply just a free radical E1 with no responsible adult to provide direction and guidance, devoid of a chain of command. A free lance private roaming the state in search of mission, structure, and purpose. Kind of like David Carradine in Kung Fu. If your first line doesn't know, ask for a point of contact who does. Also leverage your unit admin, UA. He's accounting for your SAD time, he'll know who is paying the bill, they can answer questions or get you to who can.
If you don't report to your squad leader under SAD, then you report to someone between your squad leader and the Governor. They report to someone. Unless through dumb luck with someone on RP is involved with this mission, no one on here will have that authority or informatîon to say, yep PVT Singh go do what you want. When you get pulled onto any active status there is a job to be done and a mission to complete. It's not some glorified work study. SGM Jeff Mccloud probably has the best response. The commander responsible for the mission is the only one who can truly answer. He will likely give refining guidance to the NCO support channel to advise you and others with similar questions.
If you don't report to your squad leader under SAD, then you report to someone between your squad leader and the Governor. They report to someone. Unless through dumb luck with someone on RP is involved with this mission, no one on here will have that authority or informatîon to say, yep PVT Singh go do what you want. When you get pulled onto any active status there is a job to be done and a mission to complete. It's not some glorified work study. SGM Jeff Mccloud probably has the best response. The commander responsible for the mission is the only one who can truly answer. He will likely give refining guidance to the NCO support channel to advise you and others with similar questions.
State Active Duty (SAD) is an hourly state employee working for the Guard of that state.
The time sheet is 800-1600 Monday through Friday.
Generally, that is flexible to shifting as early as 0630 to 1430 or 1000 to 1800.
Make no mistake, it is not part-time or shift work.
It is not like the Active Duty Army where the commander can release you to attend classes during the duty day, it is a State job where your supervisor has a little flexibility to start your 8 hours a little earlier or later.
If you can't get all evening classes, then this won't work out for you.
The time sheet is 800-1600 Monday through Friday.
Generally, that is flexible to shifting as early as 0630 to 1430 or 1000 to 1800.
Make no mistake, it is not part-time or shift work.
It is not like the Active Duty Army where the commander can release you to attend classes during the duty day, it is a State job where your supervisor has a little flexibility to start your 8 hours a little earlier or later.
If you can't get all evening classes, then this won't work out for you.
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