Posted on Sep 15, 2019
Are there other military schools that the Army can go to besides the Army branch schools?
I know other branches are allowed to attened sapper & ranger school but what about the army can they attend other highspeed schools if so can someone give me a link?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 6
I think that the space force has a joint school for the new shuttle door gunner position that is recruiting from all branches
1SG (Join to see)
MAJ (Join to see) I was not referring to space ops, sir, but the still to be established Space Force military branch.
Besides, I was just poking a little fun
Besides, I was just poking a little fun
MAJ (Join to see)
Me too, Sar'nt
But soon, the Army will have a full Branch for Space Ops. Not in my time, but in his.
But soon, the Army will have a full Branch for Space Ops. Not in my time, but in his.
PO3 Nicolas Cole
If anyone is interested please contact your battalion retention NCO for incentives and possible automatic promotion to SSG from SPC.
Air Load Planners Course is an Air Force Course that soldiers can attend. A number of special operators attend the JTAC course. There was a an Embarkation Instructor Slot in Sandiego for an Army Transportation Capatin at the Navy Amphibious Warfare School. what type of schools are you looking for? If you are assigned to duties that require the course, they figure it out. The other way I see if you are stationed at the same place, you may be able to get into it PTDY. Example the Space Operations Course at Peterson AFB...but you have to be stationed there.
Do an ATTRS inquire. Also, check each service and see what they offer. I managed to coordinate, long time ago, to send some folks to the Marines SERE-C course since the Army’s waiting list was astronomical!
CW4 Craig Urban
When I was at Fort Lee going through NCOLP. We had two Marine SSG's in our class. Reason why they were in the class was the course prior two SSG's walked in a sat down. They were in the wrong class but by the time the Army figured it out it was to late. They stayed in and learned something about army logistics.
MAJ Javier Rivera
Then whomever managed seat allocations during that time keep them rather than release them!
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