Posted on Sep 10, 2019
SGT Carpentry and Masonry Specialist
So according to regulation it states you can't earn the ICM and ACM and GWOTEM for the same time of service or time period. I am wondering if you have 2 seperate orders, one amended stating in support of OEF and the original in support of OIF, if you are allowed to keep both ACM and ICM. I understand you will lose the GWOTEM but that's fine.
I deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan on the same deployment, just Iraq from March to August and Afghanistan from Oct to Dec.
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Responses: 4
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
I feel logic would dictate that as long as your Orders tell you that you are supporting two different Operations then you should be eligible for both ICM and ACM. But, your S1 should be able to clarify that.
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SGT Javier Silva
The rule about ICM/ACM and GWOT is as follows:

If you deploy to Iraq and have been awarded the GWOT medal, you may wear the GWOT.
If you are awarded the ICM for the same campaign, you will have to choose between the GWOT and the ICM (you cannot change your mind later). These rules apply to the ACM and GWOT.
If you deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and you have met the requirements for each of the medals (ICM & ACM), you would be authorized to wear the medals, as long as you got the orders. Iraq and Afghanistan are two different operations.
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SSG Trevor S.
Is this your only deployment to the same theater? If you have deployed to the same theater more than once you may have completely different eligibility for wear of awards. As MSG (Join to see) said, your S1 will be the best source of information.
SGT Carpentry and Masonry Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
My current S1 has no clue what they are doing.
SSG Trevor S.
SSG Trevor S.
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - ok I'll go through my very rusty knowledge of this with the caveat that you really should press your S-1 to seek official guidance from G-1 and HRC.
Situation 1- You deploy to a location where you support both operations on your first ever deployment to the theater of operations.
You would get the option of the GWOT-EM or the campaign medal representative of your orders.
Situation 2 - You deploy for an original deployment, but you are "redeployed"in place to support a second deployment supporting the second theater.
You would get the option of the GWOT-EM or the IRCM and AFCM for each tour. The tours must be separate tours not an extended and reassigned tour.
Situation 3 - You have previous tours where you are deployed.
You are authorized to wear the GWOT-EM and the IRCM or AFCM as separate tours on separate date spans cover different awarding periods.
Realize that this is based off of rusty knowledge from before 2014 and may not be current. THE BEST practice would be to get in touch with G-1/HRC to find out for sure what the current policies and practices are.
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