Posted on Sep 5, 2019
How competitive is the 4-year scholarship option for Green to Gold?
Currently, I've been looking into doing the G2G option for the past year and have several questions. I have my Associates complete and currently I'm working on my BA/pre-reqs to get into Vet School at the end of my enlistment in 2021. My GPA is 3.6 as well. I have been in the military 9 years as of this year and by the end of my contract that would be 11 years, so I don't want to throw away my retirement. Originally my plan was to get out and apply for Vet School, using the HPSP(Health Professions Scholarship Program) and then come back into the Army as a Veterinarian. However I'm thinking utilizing G2G would be a better option. I'm currently downrange and waiting on contact info from a friend to speak with a G2G recruiter at Bragg, but I was curious on others experiences and how competitive the 4 year scholarship option is for G2G. Any and all advice welcomed. Thank you!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
SSG (Join to see) I don't know enough about Army G2G to advise you but as a former recruiting squadron commander I can tell you that Vets are in short supply in all the services and that's a bit thumb on the scale in your corner. G2G could be a problem if it works like the AF one does; it is very time limited, you have to be within a year of finishing your program to come back in. If you are eligible for HPSP that might be the better option. But you are doing the right thing by talking to the G2G recruiter who knows the current status.
SSG (Join to see)
Thank you so much for your reply ma'am. Branch doesn't necessarily matter for me, I just don't want to necessarily relearn an entire new branch when I understand the Army side. I'll have to look into the other forces as you mentioned though, maybe there are different options out there for schooling that may be more beneficial, I didn't think through that option. I appreciate it ma'am!
I generally say what I'm about to, when I see career/educ threads like yours on here...please realize, this is purely an observation intended to help, OK? Whenever many on here explain about degrees, they typically, for whatever reason, leave off majors, grades, and GPAs, not always, of course, however, sufficiently often for me to have noticed. In addition, I rarely see actual listings of coursework, incl with actual course titles and grades, as well, in addn to hobbies, interests, sports, esp. any martial arts, reading tastes, as well as ultimate ambitions, branch and/or field wanted after commissioning, any flight interests, whether they'd consider warrant, and, also, whether they've given any thought to other svcs, for maybe going intersvc if what they wanted mainly doesn't happen, for whatever reason, that's all I'm trying to say. In pointing all that out, I obv realize that many might not think such details esp germane, or, might be disincline to incl such specifics, which, of course, is entirely understandable, certainly. That being said, in genl, I've also noticed that the more detailed a biosketch someone sends in here about career/educ stuff, incl. any types of civilian work they've done, level of supervision they might've done as well, whether they'e also looked at Guard, Reserve, Guard Tech, Reserve Tech, AGR, what have you, incl, e.g., state-level OCS programs, as well as any direct-commission indoc OIS-type programs, aside from any OCS types, in addn to considering the little known svcs like USPHS and/or NOAA Corps, the easier helping them generally tends to be, the more possible suggestions and/or options can be given. I was Army ROTC and USAF OTS way before G2G or SMP existed; that being said, I've read a good deal about both of them on here, though beyond that, I know little of how involved they are to submit for. Also useful to know are any grad-school thoughts, for the simple reason that, once again, as was the case with me, I was so totally focused on commission, commission, commission, that I completely bollixed up what part of USAF I needed to ask about, wound up working for totally the wrong people for all the wrong reasons, even though I was trained to do what I was assigned...essentially, my impulsiveness, haste, and lack of care, managed to cause myself, my family, my friends, and, now, my wife, some 44 yrs of virtually unending, continual, ungodly aggravation, as well as total perm disability with cardiac linkage. So, take the advice of someone who's been through virtually everything bureaucratic and/or admin in and/or around the svcs, and related companies, that there is, other than actually being deployed to be used, and take the time to really think out absolutely all other possible options, like those I'd described...take the time to write out a really detailed, thorough biosketch of the type I'd mentioned, with the kind and type of info I'd doesn't have to be an actual resume, per se, merely free association typed into a thread, that's all, honest...I'm merely trying to offer those thoughts as some sage wisdom, accumulated painstakingly after basically four and a half decades of such perpetual, unending aggravation, might find the site here of interest, it's not all-inclusiive, it doesn't cover Army WOCS, or any of the OIS-type programs, just the five main OCS programs on the forum pages, however, I'd actually found it quite interesting, when I'd last looked through it, OK? Last, when I went in, I hadn't been prior enlisted, which, in retrospect, regardless of svc, would've clearly helped me adjust far more readily to the role I'd're obv far more fortunate, having been prior enlisted, when I'd been at USAF OTS, a good many of those I'd known there had been prior enlisted, from virtually all svcs, incl foreign trainees, so, I got a pretty decent cross-section look at how they all fared, and, in the main, the prior enlisted all pretty much all adjusted far more readily, as well as easily, than I had, I needed to go through USAF OTS twice after Army ROTC hadn't let me finish, I'd sprained an ankle, my run time went up, I wasn't allowed to go to Ft. Bragg for summer camp as a junior, though I'd gotten close, which only fueled my haste after my bachelors to leap without looking first, in order to jump right back into the fray, as it were, that's all I'm trying to explain...if I can suggest anything, I'll of course try, if you'd ever care to chat more, no rush, whenever convenient, OK?
I generally say what I'm about to, when I see career/educ threads like yours on here...please realize, this is purely an observation intended to help, OK? Whenever many on here explain about degrees, they typically, for whatever reason, leave off majors, grades, and GPAs, not always, of course, however, sufficiently often for me to have noticed. In addition, I rarely see actual listings of coursework, incl with actual course titles and grades, as well, in addn to hobbies, interests, sports, esp. any martial arts, reading tastes, as well as ultimate ambitions, branch and/or field wanted after commissioning, any flight interests, whether they'd consider warrant, and, also, whether they've given any thought to other svcs, for maybe going intersvc if what they wanted mainly doesn't happen, for whatever reason, that's all I'm trying to say. In pointing all that out, I obv realize that many might not think such details esp germane, or, might be disincline to incl such specifics, which, of course, is entirely understandable, certainly. That being said, in genl, I've also noticed that the more detailed a biosketch someone sends in here about career/educ stuff, incl. any types of civilian work they've done, level of supervision they might've done as well, whether they'e also looked at Guard, Reserve, Guard Tech, Reserve Tech, AGR, what have you, incl, e.g., state-level OCS programs, as well as any direct-commission indoc OIS-type programs, aside from any OCS types, in addn to considering the little known svcs like USPHS and/or NOAA Corps, the easier helping them generally tends to be, the more possible suggestions and/or options can be given. I was Army ROTC and USAF OTS way before G2G or SMP existed; that being said, I've read a good deal about both of them on here, though beyond that, I know little of how involved they are to submit for. Also useful to know are any grad-school thoughts, for the simple reason that, once again, as was the case with me, I was so totally focused on commission, commission, commission, that I completely bollixed up what part of USAF I needed to ask about, wound up working for totally the wrong people for all the wrong reasons, even though I was trained to do what I was assigned...essentially, my impulsiveness, haste, and lack of care, managed to cause myself, my family, my friends, and, now, my wife, some 44 yrs of virtually unending, continual, ungodly aggravation, as well as total perm disability with cardiac linkage. So, take the advice of someone who's been through virtually everything bureaucratic and/or admin in and/or around the svcs, and related companies, that there is, other than actually being deployed to be used, and take the time to really think out absolutely all other possible options, like those I'd described...take the time to write out a really detailed, thorough biosketch of the type I'd mentioned, with the kind and type of info I'd doesn't have to be an actual resume, per se, merely free association typed into a thread, that's all, honest...I'm merely trying to offer those thoughts as some sage wisdom, accumulated painstakingly after basically four and a half decades of such perpetual, unending aggravation, might find the site here of interest, it's not all-inclusiive, it doesn't cover Army WOCS, or any of the OIS-type programs, just the five main OCS programs on the forum pages, however, I'd actually found it quite interesting, when I'd last looked through it, OK? Last, when I went in, I hadn't been prior enlisted, which, in retrospect, regardless of svc, would've clearly helped me adjust far more readily to the role I'd're obv far more fortunate, having been prior enlisted, when I'd been at USAF OTS, a good many of those I'd known there had been prior enlisted, from virtually all svcs, incl foreign trainees, so, I got a pretty decent cross-section look at how they all fared, and, in the main, the prior enlisted all pretty much all adjusted far more readily, as well as easily, than I had, I needed to go through USAF OTS twice after Army ROTC hadn't let me finish, I'd sprained an ankle, my run time went up, I wasn't allowed to go to Ft. Bragg for summer camp as a junior, though I'd gotten close, which only fueled my haste after my bachelors to leap without looking first, in order to jump right back into the fray, as it were, that's all I'm trying to explain...if I can suggest anything, I'll of course try, if you'd ever care to chat more, no rush, whenever convenient, OK?

SERVICES FOR: Candidates Alumni Officer Families
Capt Daniel Goodman
There are a ton of others on those searches I'd sent...look through these also....
There are a ton of others on those searches I'd sent...look through these also....
Capt Daniel Goodman
This place can be really rough to get, I'd gone yrs ago to one of their med meetings in Manhattan, I got nowhere, though, like Ross, I "think" it "might", as with Ross, "maybe" be allowed under HPSP, their meds were, though, of course, as I'd said, you'd obv need to ask, of course....
This place can be really rough to get, I'd gone yrs ago to one of their med meetings in Manhattan, I got nowhere, though, like Ross, I "think" it "might", as with Ross, "maybe" be allowed under HPSP, their meds were, though, of course, as I'd said, you'd obv need to ask, of course....
School of Veterinary Medicine | St. George's University, Grenada
The St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine in Grenada prepares students for the world of animal health care and its effect on global health.
SSG (Join to see)
Thank you for your very thorough response Sir, I really appreciate it. I am going to check out the links and some of the acronyms you posted above. I have sat down with a couple officers and explained my 25-500 meter targets as far as schooling and end goals. I didn't write it on here but I definitely understand where you are coming from. I'm still young and want to make the best choice for myself and my future as well. Ma'am above did mention checking out other branches as well which I initially haven't thought of just because I'm in my comfort zone in the Army because it's what I know. As of right now just briefly, I am focused on attending NC State Vet school because I am currently accepted and enrolled there for my BS. I know they have an ROTC program and I've already emailed them as well and waiting for more responses for my FAQs. Thank you for your responses again, I'm going to look through them and research some more!
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