Posted on Aug 27, 2019
How can I find someone to write a Warrant Officer letter of recommendation in or near Oregon?
I'm currently putting together my warrant officer packet and I am struggling with the letters of rec. I live in Oregon so is anyone knows of a CW-3 to CW-5 that can help it would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Gabriel Syverson It is highly recommended that YOU find a warrant in the area; however, if you're having difficulties with that you may also have a commissioned officer, preferrably in the grades of O-5 and above, write you that letter. Are you AD, AR, or NG?
I have to ask a few questions here, are you active duty, National Guard or Army Reserves? You should have a WO from the respective service wright it for you. If that means setting an appointment with someone, do it and get in your car and drive there.
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