Posted on Aug 17, 2019
SPC Cordel St.amant
I’ve been hearing that these guys can be attached to ranger units. Just wondering how true that is? Duty stations, reclass school, deployments etc.
Posted in these groups: 3ac8b744 92R: Parachute Rigger
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Responses: 4
SFC Retention Operations Nco
You'll never be attached to a Ranger unit. 75th has their own riggers, if you pass RASP you can join. Unlike SF Command where riggers are assigned as support, the 160th and 75th require you to pass their selection to join. You are not attached to the 75th, you are the 75th.
You can be anywhere there is an Airborne unit. Most riggers are at Bragg. But they're also at JBLM, Carson, Eglin, Campbell, Okinawa, Korea, Germany, Italy, Tampa, Yuma, and a few other hole in the wall spots.
For Reclass you go to Airborne School then school at Fort Lee. Down the road, if you're in a USASOC unit you may have the opportunity to go to Free fall. As an NCO you'll be expected to be a Jumpmaster. As for deployment, you deploy with your unit.
SPC Cordel St.amant
SPC Cordel St.amant
>1 y
When you say selection, are you referring to ranger school? Sorry, I’m not sure about most of this stuff and have no idea what RASP is. I take it being a 92R can actually be a very rewarding career?
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Cordel St.amant Ranger School is just a TRADOC leadership school. The selection for the 75th is RASP (FKA RIP), the selection for the 160th is Green Platoon. I have plenty of friends who love being a rigger. Like any other job, plenty of people hate it. But, if you enjoy jumping, you'll never get more hang time than as a rigger. I have 65 jumps and I'm a Master Rated Jumpmaster. That's a pretty decent amount. It's not uncommon for riggers to have over a hundred, or several hundred over their careers.
SPC Cordel St.amant
SPC Cordel St.amant
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) I appreciate it SFC. Thanks for the insight on all of the different aspects and what I could expect.
SFC(P) Parachute Rigger
SFC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
As a Rigger I can tell you that SFC Boyd is spot on with his response and assessment of what a Rigger is and does! It’s definitely hard work especially in the lower ranks, but a rewarding career choice overall!
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Units that are Airborne will have 92Rs to pack their parachutes. My good friend is a R and his shop is ran how they choose to run it. They all have a number or chutes to pack and once completed, that is it for the day. Everyone in their shop plays a different role. It's hard to say what a day in the life will be...simply because every shop is ran differently.
When I was in the 160th, there were jumps almost our Romeos stayed very busy.
On top of packing chutes they also ran our BAR training. (Basic Airborne Refresher) course. Anyone with 6 months or more of a gap between jumps had to attend. This was usually due to deployments or PCS.
Sadly your question can/will be answered differently all depending on who chimes in.
Good luck.
SPC Cordel St.amant
SPC Cordel St.amant
>1 y
I assume regarding deployments, it all has to do with the unit I would be attached to? I try not to believe that deployments are based off the MOS alone.
SGT Jmajik Jmann
SGT Jmajik Jmann
>1 y
Actually; some deployments are not based upon MOS. As an 11B then 11C, I was with the 82nd--1O1st--3rd SFG (Attached) in early 1980 to 1992 as; I ETSd after the Gulf War and we had some 92Rs in various units I was assigned to; mainly BCTs but overall, it depends upon what unit you get orders for and your duty station. Don't worry though because you'll do just fine SPC; try not to overthink this and just take it as it comes and do your best....
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
SPC Cordel St.amant - certain Sustainment Brigades are assigned AORs and have enduring rotational deployments to support theater requirements, which trickles down to Rigger Companies and Detachments. Your best bet is to PM someone current in the community as these assignments to COCOMs changes periodically. If I remember correctly, Airborne BSBs supporting ABN BCTs, have a rigger team organically assigned. 782 BSB did when we ripped with them in 2008. They also had a heavy ADO mission while deployed that had nothing to do with people jumping. Lots of cargo drops (LCLA) and nonstandard slingloads.
SFC Parachute Rigger
I absolutely love being a Rigger. It's the best MOS in the land!!! As someone mentioned earlier on here, there will be people who will say they don't like our MOS, but is mainly because they didn't have an open mind to begin with, or they are already in hot water, so now everyone is the bad guy/gal. Look, if you decide to go Rigger, you gave to put in work. This MOS is easy, but challenging in some cases-- that's not even considering the units. If you go Ranger-- cool, they do their own things. Rangers will ALWAYS lead the way. As far as Bragg (which has been dubbed as the "Center of the Universe") yeah... you'll most likely be there. They're always needing people and there's no no COB with them, lol. Alaska is awesome too. There are hidden jewels in each location, but you gotta make it work for you, and keep an open mind. Buena suerte.
SGT Military Police
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
I headed to fort lee for rigger school , what are the chances of getting Tampa as a duty stationed, my entire family is in Fl . Gracias
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