Posted on Feb 22, 2015
PFC Aaron Knapp
We are a country founded on Christianity but also one where we have freedom of religion. There is supposed to be separation of church and State. So if Obama doesn't use religion in his decisions, regardless of what you think of the man or his job, does his religion really matter? I respect Gulianani but do his comments about Obamas religion have a bearing on his politics?
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Responses: 9
SSG Daniel Miller
The glaring misconception surrounding this argument is that the United States was founded on Christianity. Yes, many of the founders of the nation may have been Christians, but our country was founded on freedom of religion. The reason the first settlers left England was to escape state-mandated religion. So, no, it doesn't matter if the POTUS is Christian or Muslim. All that matters is that, to this point, the CinC has made some questionable calls, but had not shown (to me) preference toward one religion or another in his decisions.
SGT Jim Z.
SGT Jim Z.
>1 y
SSG Daniel Miller excellent point and spot on the founding fathers were not overly thrilled with the Church of England and the "state religion" of the British Empire.
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SGT Mark Sullivan
Ok, this Nation was not founded on Christianity, it was founded by Christians yes, but Christians who understood that a religious state could and would be a bad thing. The Constitution is a wholly secular document, with no mention of Jesus Christ, Christianity, and references religion twice within the First Amendment. "First Amendment, which bars laws "respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," and in Article VI, which prohibits "religious tests" for public office. Both of these provisions are evidence that the country was not founded as officially Christian." Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Constitution, was Deist along with many of the other founding fathers. That being said, I could care less what faith the president follows, as long as he/she does not bypass, ignore or try to change the Constitution, they swear to uphold.
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SGT Jim Z.
In my honest opinion I could careless what religion a president or general is as long as that religion does not interfere with his/her execution of the office or position. The religious conservative right thinks they are the only ones capable of running this country. I disagree as I am more of moderate and my religious convictions are mine and only mine.
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