This veteran's response to an ignorant comment is from the heart and spot on.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 7
Correct so those may learn!
We must teach others about what it is our veterans have gone through.
We must teach others about what it is our veterans have gone through.
I thank you brother for your service and I thank all vets for raising their hand. No, I have actually never asked a vet what their injury is/was. That's a little bizarre...and I work in health care! (Excluding medical history obviously)
Part of what we are serving to protect is freedom of speech, including freedom of speech from the uneducated, immature and thoughtless ones too. Agree a little education may go a long way for this young cashier...hope he gets this video. It is a shame that our schools don't have a vet like this come into the schools to help educated the next generation.
Part of what we are serving to protect is freedom of speech, including freedom of speech from the uneducated, immature and thoughtless ones too. Agree a little education may go a long way for this young cashier...hope he gets this video. It is a shame that our schools don't have a vet like this come into the schools to help educated the next generation.
PO2 Terri Myre
SGT Jim Zajc, that is a stellar idea. But unfortunately with how PC our society has become I don't know that it would ever happen. It's sad how much our children aren't being taught important things about our history, etc anymore. The rude behaviors of others also falls on children not being properly raised :(
SGT Jim Z.
PO2 Terri Myre Very true in regards about the nation going too politically correct and I am sure if we got someone like the veteran in the video it would be more trouble then good. However, I am sure there are some others out there that can take the same message in a much more politically correct manner though I prefer the blunt and honest emotion.
Thank you for posting this. The passion in his voice tells even more than his words. I shared it on my VFW post website ( http://www.vfw6024.org )
Landing page for vfw6204.org
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