Posted on Feb 1, 2014
SSG V. Michelle Woods
Israeli army chick
Not intending for this to be an extensive discussion, but Im just wondering what happened to face paint in the Army? I've never had the chance to wear it and I've never seen anyone in person wearing it.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Do people still use it for concealment and during training?&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>**Thanks MAJ Parker for sharing the Maybelline photo. It's my cover photo on Facebook :)</div>
Posted in these groups: 4276e14c UniformsTrain2 TrainingMaskowanie Camouflage
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Responses: 43
LTC Yinon Weiss
I think it stopped when the Army went to a uniform that didn't blend into anything any more. What's the point of concealing a face when nothing else blends in to the environment?
SGT Home Health Care
SGT (Join to see)
11 y

...I put face paint on one time in the WONDERFUL ACU uniform while we were in the woods...I am a Doc ya' know, well when I walked up to my platoon two guys had a heart attack because they thought a headless ACU ghost was approaching. But seriously, the ACU blends into nothing, so wearing paint only hides your face, hands, and neck. If I wanted to go "all cammo" in ACU's, I would just carry a parking curb.

SFC Mark Merino
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
>1 y
Well said, its a ashame, but true, in my opiinion the training value went down when face paint went away
TSgt Cable &Amp; Antenna Operations Supervisor
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
The ACU is colored that way so that Airmen in ABUs can effectively hide within a mass of Soldiers.

The tiger stripes on the ABU make it difficult to distinguish where the divide is between the camouflaged Airman and the Soldiers near him/her.
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1SG Steven Stankovich

I still own camo sticks.  I still remember how to use them.  I am ready for BDUs to come back. 

Stranger things have happened in our Army...haven't they?  ;) 

LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
11 y
In Korea, the major cosmetic brands make camo compacts that is good for your skin.  Apparently, it's the thing for ladies to buy camouflage facepaint for their boyfriends doing their compulsory service....
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
11 y
I've heard Korea is a bit...unique...
CPT Intelligence Exercise Planner
CPT (Join to see)
11 y

Right on MSG Stankovich!  Bring back my BDUs!!

I still have a set in the closet with SSG rank on the collar. :)

SSgt Kevin Beckley
SSgt Kevin Beckley
11 y
I still have BDUs wear them for veterans day.
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1SG(P) First Sergeant
Edited 11 y ago
The problem with camo is that like so much else in the Army it was a "If it's good for one, it's good for all!" approach.  Depending on the terrain and WHAT you're doing, camo's a good idea.  But we did stupid things like making Abrams crews camo up, because that face under the hatch might give away the umpteen ton tank with the turbine engines.  Very simply, the determination to camo up should be an operational decision made by squad leaders and platoon sergeants.  Instead it became a decision of uniformity by field grade officers and the type of sergeants major who're more concerned with parades than practicality.  And baby oil is for neophytes.  Those in the know use green-bottle DEET in its banned carcinogenic oily concentration, usually found behind the counter of less than reputable surplus stores.  That stuff will melt a camo stick regardless of temperature.  Just don't get any around your lips or your mouth goes numb.
MSgt Program Analyst   Joint Certification Program
MSgt (Join to see)
11 y
I remember the paint coming off the outside of certain DEET containers - made you really want to use that stuff on your body.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
11 y
I just wrote something similar to that. Soldier just want to be like cookie cutter. The same for everything without thinking about the area and analyzing it.
SSgt Kevin Beckley
SSgt Kevin Beckley
11 y
All I know is when used Deet, it attracted the bugs and gave me a rash.
Would sneak a bottle of off woods bug spray. Deet was good for removing grease tho.
1SG(P) First Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
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