...I put face paint on one time in the WONDERFUL ACU uniform while we were in the woods...I am a Doc ya' know, well when I walked up to my platoon two guys had a heart attack because they thought a headless ACU ghost was approaching. But seriously, the ACU blends into nothing, so wearing paint only hides your face, hands, and neck. If I wanted to go "all cammo" in ACU's, I would just carry a parking curb.
The tiger stripes on the ABU make it difficult to distinguish where the divide is between the camouflaged Airman and the Soldiers near him/her.
I still own camo sticks. I still remember how to use them. I am ready for BDUs to come back.
Stranger things have happened in our Army...haven't they? ;)
Right on MSG Stankovich! Bring back my BDUs!!
I still have a set in the closet with SSG rank on the collar. :)
Would sneak a bottle of off woods bug spray. Deet was good for removing grease tho.

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