Posted on Jul 26, 2019
Is there anyway to extend use/loose leave into next fiscal year?
I have around 25 use/loose leave set to expire 30SEP19. Now I am PCSing from OCONUS to CONUS in first week of OCT (hence new fiscal year). Is there any way/any memo CDR can sign to extend my use/loose leave for 1-2 months? I will be taking PCS leave in October.
I have around 25 use/loose leave set to expire 30SEP19. Now I am PCSing from OCONUS to CONUS in first week of OCT (hence new fiscal year). Is there any way/any memo CDR can sign to extend my use/loose leave for 1-2 months? I will be taking PCS leave in October.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
You would have to be able to prove you were not afforded the opportunity to take leave from 1 Oct 18 thru 30 Sep 19, unless you were deployed that’ll be hard to do. Choosing not to go on leave because you’re overseas is not a justification. Good luck to you....
It is up to you to manage your leave. Unless your co asked you to not take it.
CW2 (Join to see) unlikely.
Doesn't sound like your situation qualifies for SLA. AR600-8-10 chapter 3.
Doesn't sound like your situation qualifies for SLA. AR600-8-10 chapter 3.
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