Posted on Jun 22, 2019
Tony C.
So I graduated from college a little while ago, I'm 24 and have been wanting to join the army for a while. I want to join as an officer so OCS seems like the best option to go. However, I am at a standstill the only thing that has been stopping me from talking to a recruiter is I'm not sure what MOS would be the best fit. I feel like If I walk in there undecided Ill end up just picking whatever and that's the last thing I want to do. My only concern is I want a job that can cross over very well in the civilian side. I'm thinking Signal Officer or Public Affairs right now but I am still doing research on something that I can start when I'm out. I'm thinking long term joining the army and want to be ok and set once I'm out. Opinions or advice is appreciated
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 4
SFC Retention Operations Nco
As a career counselor, every single day people tell me they want a job that will translate well into the civilian sector.
I'm going to let you in on a secret, people who like their job in the army stay in the Army to continue doing their job. People who dislike their job in the army, leave the army and never go into that field of work again.
Army jobs don't translate well into the civilian sector, however Army experience translates very well into the civilian sector. The best army job is the one that you enjoy
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
Tony C. Public Affairs is not a basic accessions branch. Your branch is decided following OCS. You do a preference sheet with your priority order, then the big wheel decides based on needs of the Army, what is available, your place on an order of merit list and your priorities.

ROTC is similar but not exactly the same. Also advice how to rack and stack branches.

How OCS does it:

Best Branch (Officers are in Branches, that also has an MOS, but you identify as a branch) is the one you will perform best in and derive the most satisfaction from. Signal is a good basic branch. You could move to several other specializations with the Career Field Designation Board for Public Affairs, Space Operations, as well as a host of other options.

I do not know if OCS has a branch detail option where you serve in a Combat Arms branch (Infantry, Armor, Artillery, ADA, etc) on "detail" for your first 2-3 years and then transfer back to your Sustainment or Combat Support Branch.

What is your undergraduate degree in? I am concerned that your primary concern is what civilian job you are set up for. That may have absolutely nothing to do with your success or satisfaction with serving in a particular Army branch. soldiers' lives and mission success are riding on it. You will have to "Army" for 6-20 years. Long time to be doing something you potentially hate and or suck at in hopes of the big pay day that may never come. I don't know how to advise you as "best" is a loaded word. Best for you? Best for me? Best for all concerned?
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CPT Engineer Officer
Your path is very similar to mine. I joined the Army at 24 as well. You will initially be given some random MOS until you get through basic training. You will be a 09S (Officer Candidate) from the start. You will immediately join as an E-4. You will then go to OCS.

I went the Engineer route. Couldn’t imagine a better field. It encompasses many different MOS’ that you can use on the civilian side afterwards. Honestly, as an officer, you won’t be doing much of your MOS. You will need to know enough to manage your platoon, but for the most part, you will learn way more from your soldiers. All are equally important and need good leaders. OCS is tough mentally and physically. Prepare yourself.
CPT Engineer Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you for the response Sir. The quoted comment is strictly related to the initial MOS you are given, not your chosen branch. As an officer you learn a lot about each specialty of your field. I completely agree with your comment on learning your branch and leading the company in the absence of orders or guidance. Thank you Sir.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
LTC Jason Mackay - Not only that, but to lead and inspect your platoon, and hopefully one day, a company, you need to know at least the basics of what their job entails. Don't need to be the subject matter expert, but you need to know enough to understand if he is doing his job. One of the ways I liked to do that was to have one of the operators or soldiers instruct me on how to do his job. I've always been impressed with how serious they take it. Even as an Engineer Company Commander, I was licensed officially for everything that moved from a Hummer to a CEV and AVLB.
Plus I always liked to shoot guns and blow stuff up, so I always spent range time with the Platoon/Company.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - I mention just that in my New Officers Listen Up article. You're spot on
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
LTC Jason Mackay - I thought this was another gem of leadership too damn many officers forget." If there is "suck to embrace" be present and participate fully." I absolutely agree with that one. If your troops are wet, cold and hunger, then you need to be wet, cold and hunger too. Starting out as a grunt, I got to practice being cold, wet and hunger a lot both enlisted and commissioned. A lot it seemed at the time. I never had any respect for the Chairborne Rangers that were back in cantonment while the rest of us were busting our butts out in the sand or mud.
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