Posted on Jun 10, 2019
Has anyone recently re-enlisted with an re code 3?
I live in Louisiana and want to re-enlist with an recode 3. Has anyone in the area or at all re-enlisted recently with that code. If you did what steps did you have to take.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
SPC Jeremy Gaspard this is the most asked question on RP. There is a RP Topic page for this, click the About tab for resources. You can see the discussions with this tag. Only a current recruiter can answer this. It largely depends on the separation disposition Code. Depending on the issue, they may want documentation about what it was and why it is now fixed. Don't speculate here, go see a recruiter.

A live Q&A where U.S. military members and veterans discuss and evaluate RE Code.
I needed a waiver for this. The letter you write to explain what you did to improve the conditions that led to the RE code 3 matters a great deal
PV2 (Join to see)
On the same boat for r3 meps commander already approved waiver, just waiting on the General to approve it. Do you know an in between on how long usually the General takes? SFC Melvin Brandenburg
SPC Josh Latu
SSgt (Join to see) what kind of documents did you look for? Was your reason a dui aswell? What kinda proof to show that the issue is no more for dui?
SSgt (Join to see)
SPC Josh Latu - Mine was for what the doc at Minot diagnosed as migraines. Turned out to be sinus headaches. I had a novel of documentation from the VA docs, as well as the head of neurology at my local VA (former Security Forces guy). I had letters of recommendation from some friends & acquaintances I have made over the years, one being a former JAG of the AF.
I would think that legal documentation pertaining to DUI would be a good start - completion of treatment, if ordered to do so by the court. Clean history since the incident, etc.
I would think that legal documentation pertaining to DUI would be a good start - completion of treatment, if ordered to do so by the court. Clean history since the incident, etc.
SPC Josh Latu
SSgt (Join to see) gotchu. Do you think it would be good if I enrolled in some sort of outpatient class? I dont have issues with drinking but I'm thinking itll look good? Or would that be the other way around?
SPC Jeremy Gaspard I did. It took me 18.5 years (total, but not all consecutive in attempts) and 3 recruiters, but I did. Could not go back to Security Forces - said I was too old and had lost a little bit of hearing, so they wanted to avoid any further loss.
Once I found a recruiter who wasn't afraid of the fight, she knew the steps she needed. Had to get a waiver to get to go to MEPS. Once MEPS cleared me medically, had to get a waiver from the Air Force Surgeon General (since active Air Force were the ones that issued my initial RE3 honorable discharge).
I went back into the MO Air Guard. Didn't want to start all over again as a 40 year old E3 in active duty...LOL
Once I found a recruiter who wasn't afraid of the fight, she knew the steps she needed. Had to get a waiver to get to go to MEPS. Once MEPS cleared me medically, had to get a waiver from the Air Force Surgeon General (since active Air Force were the ones that issued my initial RE3 honorable discharge).
I went back into the MO Air Guard. Didn't want to start all over again as a 40 year old E3 in active duty...LOL
SSgt (Join to see)
SPC Jeremy Gaspard - 131st BW Whiteman Air Force Base. Though, I am physically out of Jefferson Barracks with the 157th Air Intelligence Squadron.
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