Posted on Feb 11, 2015
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Per the subject.

I had a pretty decent wardrobe when I got out, but over the next 12 years I have constantly added to it. It would have been a heck of a lot easier had I slowly and surely built it up while I was in.

Assuming that the Veteran has a few good Suits, Slacks, & Shirts to get through the work week. What other item would you add to their "Gear List."

Don't forget to say why.

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Responses: 17
Capt Richard I P.
1 item: good shoes. Just like when you were in, don't skimp on these. For outdoor work maybe your boots can still serve. For athletics your sneakers will do. But dear goodness do not wear your choraframs or even your super shined leathers to an interview. Check out some nice Cole Haans. (I just learned this year from Capt (Join to see) )
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y

On the Shoe bit, I'd recommend getting a Belt to match as well. Brown leather for Brown shoes, Black leather for black, etc.

zappos is amazing for getting shoes. Return policy is great, and they usually upgrade you to next day.
CPO Jon Campbell
CPO Jon Campbell
10 y
If you aren't working on Wall Street and just need good, average attire, you can go to someplace like Men's Warehouse. Find an associate and tell them you want some suits, shirts, socks, a belt, ties, and some shoes. Be prepared to spend $500- $1000. They will lay out matching shirts and ties. Pick the stuff that isn't too wild. Solid color shirts are best. Go with what they recommend. You can be done in less than an hour and have a weeks woderobe that is tailored for you.
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A1C Brian Sprick
A concealed weapon license. Too many idiots with guns, not enough who know how to use them.
SPC Michael Henriksen
SPC Michael Henriksen
6 y
And the training to go with it. Knowing how to fire your M16 does not magically transfer volumes of knowledge on hand guns, when and where you may carry or engage.
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited 10 y ago
A decent civilian-friendly watch. That means:

- Not black
- Not digital
- Not crazy waterproof
- Not shock proof

When you see somebody in a suit wearing a G-shock watch, you know it's a military person going through transition.
SFC Cryptologic Network Warfare Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, I think the Sub or Seamaster is a bit sporty. Maybe the Day-Date II is more appropriate for the formal wear. Personally, I prefer the platinum with the ice blue Roman numeral dial.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
@wilson fung I'd lean towards a Celini honestly if I money were no concern. But I love the Sub no date. Something about it's simple elegance.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
6 y
1LT (Anonymous) For wear with a gown.

I do not think that would fly for everyday wear in a world where Lululemon’a are mildly acceptable for business wear.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
6 y
CSM Charles Hayden - Lululemon year is not a acceptable business wear anwhere near anyone I have worked with in decades. The gate guards would not pass anyone wearing exercise outfits, excepting perhaps professional sports folk. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
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