My boyfriend and I have been together sometime and are thinking about getting married. I am currently TPU and thinking about submitting an AGR packet. My boyfriend is active duty and is currently under the 75th Ranger Regiment stationed in Savannah. If we get married, what is the likelihood of getting stationed in his vacinity? I've also heard that being married and submitting for AGR would place me at the bottom of the recommendation list.
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
You tagged Marriage on your post. Click on the link and click ABOUT. It has the link to all Married Couples Programs. It also applies to AGR and AD Soldiers. Understand there are times where you will be apart to ensure key and developmental career opportunities. There are times where either you or he have to pump the brakes to support the other. I don't understand how being married or single puts you on the bottom of the list for AGR. you may be extremely challenged to find a USAR AGR position in the grade you need regardless of being dual military or not.
Most likely not. He could be stationed normally at an Army post and if you went AGR they would place you where needed depending on your MOS.
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