Posted on Jun 2, 2019
Is it inappropriate to communicate with other military personnel via DoD email for casual conversation?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 10
The following link has the official gouge. Remember, your email is saved, can be read by others, and can come back to haunt you. Just consider the stuff that's been all over then news. So lay off the politics, religion, and other things that don't relate to incidental communications.
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Yes. Except when you are having an affair, oh wait, that didn't work out so well.
Inappropriate? That’s up for debate I suppose.
Foolish? Yes. They tell you when you’re logging in that it’s monitored. It takes one IT nerd somewhere in DoDs basement to see something they don’t like.
Foolish? Yes. They tell you when you’re logging in that it’s monitored. It takes one IT nerd somewhere in DoDs basement to see something they don’t like.
SSgt Russell Stevens
The funny part is more than 20 years after I got out I'm still that "IT nerd" who can audit email.
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