Posted on May 30, 2019
SPC Parachute Rigger
I IST'd from the TN Army NG to the TX Army NG back in February of this year. I signed a NGB22-5 stating my ETS is 15Aug2019. I have every intention on pursuing active duty when I ETS. I was going to submit a DD-368 but my unit staff including my 1SG recommended to not submit it because of my ETS date. So I decided to hold off. Fast forward to today, I was notified via phone call from my readiness NCO that according to RPAS my ETS is February2020. My readiness NCO also stated that because the February2020 ETS date is the one on my NG contract I signed in 2014 and it's biometrically signed that it supersedes my NGB22-5. I asked if I could go forth with submitting the DD-368 and he said that he'll send it up but that it probably won't be approved. I am not currently MOS-Q in my unit. This ETS date now changed from me having roughly 3 months to now 8 months. I'm basically going to be limbo in my unit as I can't go to any schools to include BLC. What are my options as I've never encountered this? Thank you for your replies in advance.
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Responses: 5
LTC Russ Smith
Go thru the chain of command. Your company commander can fix this.
SPC Parachute Rigger
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Fix it in what aspect, Sir?
Sgt Pedro Perez
Sgt Pedro Perez
>1 y
LTC Russ Smith is telling you that fix will be exactly what you originally were scheduled and back to your original plan. These men are giving you great advice and I suggest you listen up and absolutely go thru your chain of command and push and pull till you get to the bottom and find out what is really happening. Good luck!!!
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited >1 y ago
Well you need to rock the boat here if you want to get the reason why they won't go the 368 route. They are discharging you anyway so what do you have to worry about by using the Chain of Command and asking the question why a 368 won't be approved? If it sounds like a weak or BS answer then escalate. NG has an open door policy your not going to be disciplined by escalating this issue higher. My rough guess not knowing anything about rules here is that your ITS might have pushed back your seperation date as I find it an amazing coincidence you ITS'd in February and all of the sudden that is your discharge date year later. So you might be under a mandatory service requirement due to the ITS (I have no clue). That is why you need to be relentless and ask until you get a straight answer. If the answer is that your too close to your seperation date and nobody wants to process a 368...........thats a BS answer, in which you can probably get reversed by escalating high enough on the chain of command. If the answer is they had to extend you to get your ITS approved and you signed off on that, then you have your answer.
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SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
Geez Louise this is a tuff one. So the NG has always baffled me, just because you transferred units they pushed your ETS date? Did you sign something to extend to join the unit? I know in our DS unit that happens because you need a certain amount of time left on contract to go to DSS. In your Memo that you write with your 368 I would explain your situation and explain it good. I don't see no reason for them to force you to stay if you aren't even going to MOS school or BLC.. Just to have someone not MOSQ on the books for 8 months is ridiculous. But my 368 literally took 7 months for the G-1 to bless off on it.
With that I would say prepare for your ETS date. Make sure your Medpros and physical is done before you ETS. Will you have IRR time? That way you don't have to do a physical at MEPS once you go Active. Make sure you have Hard copies of all documentation for the Recruiter to make it fast and smooth.
SPC Parachute Rigger
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Thank you for reply, SSG. So apparently TN state was going off of my original ETS date and wasn't tracking the date on my NG contract. I guess my contract was extended 1year and roughly 5 months when i switched to the NG. I will have no IR time when I ETS. It will end up being 8.5 years all guard or reserve and no IR time.
SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
SFC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) so to give you a heads up so you don’t fall off of contract, you can re-enlist into the IRR... I know a bunch of people who stay in the IRR and they do IMAs during the summer to have a good year... I would get with your retention nco and do a contract just to stay in the IRR so u don’t fall off of complete contract. Wish you the best of luck.
SPC Parachute Rigger
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC(P) (Join to see) SSG, what would be the point of that if I'm planning on going active duty?
SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
SFC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) so you won’t be fully off contract. Being in the IRR is like a cushion. It takes nothing to get released from it but just as a backer you would still be on contract and have no break in service. So say it takes them 6 months to process you to go active duty being in the IRR counts as time in service and you would still get that for pay... There is always stuff a lot of people don’t notice. So you would be closer to the 2 year increment of pay bumps but if you are off of contract you won’t get no time in service credit....
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