LTC Russ Smith

LTC Russ Smith

Dates of Service: May 1980 - Aug 2006
90% Complete
26 Contacts
Influence Score: 25,507
2,445 out of 868,096 Veterans
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  • Cpl Aug 82
  • CPL Sep 83
  • SGT Jun 84
  • 2LT May 86
  • 1LT May 89
  • CPT Oct 91
  • MAJ Mar 97
  • LTC Aug 06
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1986

Recent Activity  -


Over 35 years of experience in training, special projects, program management, and operations. As an agent of change, implemented the strategic planning process in several organizations where a major change in leadership had not occurred for a significant amount of time. Multi-Million dollar budget management experience. Superintendent, Certified Secondary Principal and Teacher.

Military Experiences

Jan 2004 - Aug 2006
Camp Roberts MTC
Director, Plans, Training, Mobilization, Security, and Operations (DPTMS) (G3)
Responsible for airfield operations, mobilization and contingency planning for rapid reaction to foreign, domestic and natural disasters; execution of traditional operations in support of garrison/tenant units; and program manager for military training, and mobilization. Executed the military training program in support of garrison, tenant and satellite units. Maintained constant, open, two way communication with all levels. Authored, developed and implemented the post strategic plan, which is still in use today. As the post operations officer, was required to maintain vertical and horizontal communication using every available communications tool. Senior Anti-Terrorism Officer for the installation in charge of the security force, Provost Marshall Office, and law enforcement functions.
Jan 2003 - Dec 2003
Battalion Commander⁸
Responsible for raising the 161st Ordnance Battalion (Maintenance) in Bakersfield, CA as part of the Army Division Redesign Program (ADRS). Responsible for the conduct, discipline, supervision, & training of over 1500 soldiers. Responsible for coordinating the planning, budgeting, procurement and asset management of nearly 100 million dollars in equipment and property in accordance with the battalion mission. Responsible for developing the staff and subordinate companies in to a combat-ready cohesive team capable of accomplishing its assigned combat mission. Gained and maintained technical proficiency in combat logistics operations, and Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (RSOI). Gained and maintained unit strength through aggressive retention, and recruiting programs.
Oct 2001 - Dec 2002
115th RSG
G3 Plans Officer
“Dual-hatted” during the period, as Program Manager and developed a comprehensive program in partnership with civilian employers, which resulted in long term recruiting, training, and retention of military drivers for the California Army National Guard. Authored legislation, which waived minimum liability insurance requirements for National Guard and Reserve applicants to the military driver specialty, which was signed in to law by the Governor in September 2002. During drill weekends functioned as the Operations Officer for the 115th. Formulated policy, and directed and coordinated staff functions related to maintenance and logistics-associated activities of the command. Served in multifunctional positions of maintenance primarily engaged in direct support/general support.
Oct 1999 - Sep 2001
Chief of Training/Senior Program Manager/Deputy G3
Responsible for oversight of all training activities effecting nearly 16,000 soldiers including Distance Learning, simulations, Marksmanship Training, Weapons Qualification, Ammunition Forecasting, Safety and Occupational Health, Annual Training Schedules, Inactive Duty Training (IDT) Schedules, Overseas Deployment Training (ODT), Army Physical Fitness Training, Leadership Training, Mentorship programs, Military Occupational Specialty Qualification (MOSQ), Non Commissioned Officer Education (NCOES), and Officer Education(OES). Responsible for publishing Yearly Training Guidance (YTG) in accordance with FM 25-100 and FM 25-101. Routinely tested new software applicable to training simulations. Direct supervision of 12 people. Oversight of 25 million dollar training budget.


(1 year)
Oct 2004 - Sep 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
OIF II. WIA 29 Jan 05. Medevaced out. Project Manager, Operation Iraqi Freedom, United States Embassy Baghdad, 2004-2005: Fielded the Advanced First Responder Network which is the 911 system for Iraq. Provided emergency communications throughout Baghdad in time for elections. Certified Pay Agent.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jan 2003 - Mar 2003

Support Operations Course Phase I

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Sep 1985


May 1982

Marine Combat Instructor of Water Survival

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter