Posted on Feb 10, 2015
CPT(P) Miccc Student
I notice headlines all over the internet talking about the drawdown of American troops. I've also seen some stories about the drop in morale across the military. Is this providing some valuable information to our adversaries? "A War Weary Nation" and "Major Troop Cuts" are not exactly imposing descriptions of our Armed Forces.

I asked myself if I knew any of this information about the Russian army? The Iranian army? Or ISIS? The answer was no.

Should our enemies have such easy access to this information? How does that impact their actions?
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Responses: 4
SGT Jim Z.
I completely understand where you are coming from but with social media and service members having it is hard not to confirm the fact that morale is tanking and drawdowns are occurring. Heck all you have to do is half pay attention to the budget talks. Unless it is classified Congressional committees are televised on CSPAN an CSPAN-II.
CPT(P) Miccc Student
CPT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Social media is becoming another ground for warfare. It may actually be the most complex and unpredictable arena at that.
SGT Jim Z.
SGT Jim Z.
>1 y
Yes it is and I will say it is one the most vulnerable.
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SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
I certainly think it should, I believe this will help ease any "surprises".
Politically speaking it unfortunately makes it easier for the Politicians at the local level to blame the Federal Government, so they can protect their jobs and look good for the constituents...
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CPT Hhc Company Commander
CPT(P) (Join to see) - Some of this information IS available about ISIS. Hundreds were executed approximately 1 month ago for desertion attempts. The Austrian girls that expatriated to go be "ISIS Baby Factories" wanted to return to Austria due to "the harsh realities" of living under constant threat of death.

Troop morale and things ARE able to be monitored to some degree, although they are not published under some of these regimes. Why? Most of these nations have state-run/state-controlled media. Britain, Germany, and other largely democratic (or more "free-thinking") nations DO have some unclassified intel covered in the media. Of course, the state run media is only going to release pro-government propaganda. Even our own "independent" media typically produces propaganda for either conservative or liberal means rather than focusing on objective media coverage.

The intel gleaned from the media is only somewhat useful. Is the American public tired of war? Absolutely. Are our SMs wanting to come home and stop fighting? Mostly...yes. But many want to finish the fight. Does that mean that they aren't willing to fight?? Hell no. When ISIS invaded Iraq, many veterans and servicemembers alike were eager to lace their bootstraps up and get the job done right. With Ukraine, the response was more tempered....but still eager to fight.

This is the new "global world"....unfortunately the world is available at the click of a mouse.
CPT Butler
CPT(P) Miccc Student
CPT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) I was one of those ready to lace up! We were at night FRIES training at FRIES/SPIES school is September watching the POTUS speak on a smartphone. Collective disappointment all the way around.

I suppose it's the magnitude of which these topics are covered in our media that I noticed. Being a free-thinking, democratic society comes with some security concerns. Just the nature of the beast.

Hope I interpreted your post correctly. Thanks for the addition perspective, sir.
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