Posted on Feb 9, 2015
SPC(P) Carlos Santini
From personal experience I have been trying to get off pain medication for almost ten years, by getting my neck and lower back surgeries. The problem I keep running into is the problem of waiting six months to a year in order to get appointments done. After years of going through all of this they finally out sourced it to OHSU in Portland, OR and I will have my surgery here in April 2015 after waiting for years.
I have listed a link below to show that the VA does have a network of doctors willing to help with this issue.
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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
How long are they going to be able to induce people to step up and defend America when the public learns how poorly we care for our wounded and disabled, active duty and veterans?

Does anyone in the Administration ever think beyond the immediate consequences of their actions?

Oh look, we need more money to buy votes. Where can we get it? Increase taxes? No, that doesn't work. Let's skim some from the military. Yeah, that's good. There are a lot more people willing to trade their votes for entitlements than there are military personnel.

I've seen more good ideas come out of RallyPoint than Congress. Look at the suggestion posted by SGT Jim Z. Augment VA medical staff with contract doctors. Use Reserve duty medical service providers pull duty at VA facilities as well as military medical centers.

There must be better ways of solving problems...
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SGT Jim Z.
One way I can see "outsourcing" is to bring contracted doctors into the VA hospitals and clinics where the contract doctors would be used to augment VA medical staff.
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SPC(P) Carlos Santini
I know that the VA is giving out medical cards know for people that live farther then 40 miles and unable to get a appointment within 30 days they can seek authorization to see a civilian doctor but another question is that doing enough to ease the burden of how many veterans there are versus how many facilities that there are for help?
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