Posted on May 21, 2019
Where can I find information about any MOS related to field artillery?
I am currently 17, and a junior in high school. I turn 18 in June. I am really looking to enlist into the Army. I am looking that the field artillery MOS's. I am trying to get as much information I can before making a decision. Any information is helpful.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 13 has a list of all MOS's. The ones that are field Artillery start with 13
I was field artillery for many years. The artillery is comprised of several different mos's that all work together. The main mos's are the cannoneers, Fire direction control (FDC) your FO's. You have several support mos's as well, but they are not dedicated field artillery mos's. What is your specific interest?
Mason McCarty You have tagged the maintainer MOSs for Artillery. Understand the ammunition MOSs are 89 series, they handle all the receipt, issue, accountability, and distribution of ammunition, with the largest by tonnage being Field Artillery munitions (projectiles), charges, primers, and fuzes.
13A is the Commissioned Officer MOS, you need to go through a commissioning program to branch Artillery. The Warrant MOSs are selected from among the FA enlisted MOSs. 13Z are the Senior NCO Artillerymen. As SFC (Join to see) says, the 13 series are the Artillery MOSs
13A is the Commissioned Officer MOS, you need to go through a commissioning program to branch Artillery. The Warrant MOSs are selected from among the FA enlisted MOSs. 13Z are the Senior NCO Artillerymen. As SFC (Join to see) says, the 13 series are the Artillery MOSs
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