Posted on Apr 23, 2019
SSG Dale London
I seriously injured my knee in the line of duty, underwent a medical board and requested a permant profile instead of being medically retired. This was granted and I was put on a no running profile but I gained weight and was eventually chaptered out for weight control failure.
I have never been fully mobile since. I requested evaluation for disability in 2003(ish) and was denied. Now it looks like I need knee replacement if I want to avoid a wheelchair. I am only 56.
Does the VA's "no" mean no forever?
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Responses: 14
SGM Bill Frazer
1- 1st get to A VSO- preferrably from the DAV or Am. Legion. 2.Get all your paperwork to them. 3. See if it can be refiled using the VSO.
SSG Dale London
SSG Dale London
5 y
I am posting this follow-up to everyone who responded to my original question. I want to thank you for your advice and encouragement. I listened, submitted a new claim and at the start of the year I reveived a determination of 100% permanent and total disability. I don't think I would have even applied had you all not helped me. So please accept my heartfelt thanks. God bless you.
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SFC William Farrell
SSG Dale London you should have immediately appealed it. It might be too late to appeal it now but perhaps with new evidence you can submit a new claim. I can not see why you were denied for a service connected injury.
SSG Dale London
SSG Dale London
6 y
Life was a it complicated when I applied and I considering the hassle I had doing it long distance -- well... what can I say. I should have but I didn't. Thanks though.
SSG Shavonde Chase
SSG Shavonde Chase
6 y
Compensation for knees and ankles seems to be the hardest to get. It’s mostly about range of motion.
SSG Dale London
SSG Dale London
5 y
I am posting this follow-up to everyone who responded to my original question. I want to thank you for your advice and encouragement. I listened, submitted a new claim and at the start of the year I reveived a determination of 100% permanent and total disability. I don't think I would have even applied had you all not helped me. So please accept my heartfelt thanks. God bless you.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
5 y
SSG Dale London - Congratulations Dale, you deserve it. And you most certainly earned it by your service. You were brave enough to raise your hand when others did not.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
SSG Dale London reading through what you've posted, you should submit a VA 21-526EZ and get your knee injury reevaluated. Chances are good that the symptoms you describe would merit an upgrade.
You already have a 0% rating, so SC is established. It just comes down to the severity of impairment in determining the rating. and an exam will get fidelity on that.
SSG Dale London
SSG Dale London
5 y
I am posting this follow-up to everyone who responded to my original question. I want to thank you for your advice and encouragement. I listened, submitted a new claim and at the start of the year I reveived a determination of 100% permanent and total disability. I don't think I would have even applied had you all not helped me. So please accept my heartfelt thanks. God bless you.
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