Posted on Apr 19, 2019
CW4 Craig Urban
Is a 920B and 920A interchangeable. Can they do either job? How about on the enlisted side?
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Responses: 4
CW4 Harris Smith
Having done both I would say the short answer is yes with some caveats. I was a 920A but was charged with opening a Forward Supply Point as a 920B accountable officer. I had to to a lot of self help and research. Both are accountable officer positions. As for the enlisted side, my NCOIC was a MSG Senior Supply Sergeant so he was a unit side guy also, not the wholesale or warehouse side. We both had the attitude that between the two of us we could figure it out and make it work for mission success. Hope that helps Chief.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
I posted my comments for younger warrants. I hit the ground running. The old cege in Europe was an abortion
Worst than that were gs11/13" s bullet benders. 0346's. Trying to manage trucks like ammo. They dispied me. My brigade commanders all stood by me. Including ltg Dennis Benchoff the deputy AMC commander.
CW4 Harris Smith
CW4 Harris Smith
>1 y
Chief, we both know we are either loved or hated. My experience tells me it is usually based in the competency of the officer or civilian.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
I have seen 92A NCOs used in lieu of 92Y NCOs to be unit supply Sergeants. There have never been enough 92Ys to do the opposite (Army wide fill hovers around 75% fill).

Working in an SSA and working TAMMS/PLL were two drastically different worlds. If you were an 92A that did both you were good to go. If you worked one or the other it was a steep learning curve to work in the other. Back in the day 92As in Shop Office at DS or on a Area TMDE Support Team are yet another specialized lump of skillsans tasks. That is just inside 92A...

92Ys grown in a Supply Room, possibly starting as an Armorer and successively developed throughBN S4 would potentially be highly skilled as long as they weren't a self propelled sand bag. Purchase cards would be a Y specific area. A senior Y would be more likely to be able to handle the unit end of contracting, working with the MICC for things like portapotties, service contracts, non standard purchases, etc. having USR is another big development item that a 92A just wouldn't have. The Maintenance Control Supervisor would be running the maintenance end of USR.

I am unclear how the move to GCSS-A has impacted the MOSs and if the organizational Supply end of the system and the retail supply end have closed the gap or whether the two modules are minimally connected islands.

920B and 920A are two distinctly different fields. I think if you threw them into the other, depending on the competency of the officer, they'd figure it out. I wouldn't want to operate Indefinitely like that. The skills of running and SSA and working Materiel Management at a BDE SPO is really different than organizational Supply and Property Book Management at BDE and DIV. Materiel Disposition is fundamentally different than a requisition (or now a material reservation). The KPIs are wildly different and move at different tempos. The role of funding in retail supply at the unit end is new and painful, vastly complicating readiness.

There are many touch points where the two fields relate, but not enough to say they are interchangeable except in extremis.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
I was very lucky as a enlisted soldier. I had a primary as 76P4k and a secondary as a 76Y40. I had a pro pay score of 156. Had done night classes at Fort Carson. Took clep tests in Wiesbaden. Passed the history and English. Was number 2 at 7th Army NCO academy as a sp/4. Of course at the 19th Maint Co we were manual. So I got the basics down. Had a stint in Orlando as a contractor doing statement of work cleanup. Got the job from my second battalion commander. Ron Hite. Now a retired LTG. Also worked for Dennis Benchoff. Retired LTG. I did both. Some of the the property book type warrant officers as we were transitioning to GCSS-A did not get it. Old CEGE days. Some did but most did not.
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SFC George Smith
Most interesting ...Thanks for the Share
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
When I got appointed to w01 there was not a SSA warrant per say. Plus I did not do this wosc crud that is a waste of taxpayers dollars in my opinion. I was the PBO for 180th aviation company a Chinook unit. Manual property book. The senior cw2 was Len Burk. On the staff of 11th aviation Group
Msg was fritz. Got inspected often since a IG was coming. Passed with flying colors. Len rotates to Hawaii. He had been a 76j. In Hawaii they put him in a ssa. He was pissed. I had background in both. 76p and 76y. Mos test 156. These warrants now days do not a clue about GCSS army until they make cw3. That is why I asked the question.
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