Posted on Apr 18, 2019
What kind of tabs do I need for my promotion packet?
Putting together my promotion packet and I'm looking for a little guidance.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 9
You don't need any tabs. Points are added do your promotion Point worksheet digitally by your S1. That is fed off of what is already on your SRB.
If your command or S1, or training room tell you that you need tabs, and that is a local thing and you should ask them for clarification
If your command or S1, or training room tell you that you need tabs, and that is a local thing and you should ask them for clarification
SPC (Join to see)
Who do I need to contact about my promotion point worksheet? When I log on to the site it says no record found.
Who do I need to contact about my promotion point worksheet? When I log on to the site it says no record found.
SFC (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) it sounds like you have a lot of questions that would be quickly answered if you sat down with your first line leader.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you have not attended the promotion board and been recommended for promotion yet.
Now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the promotion regulation, specifically the portion regarding semi centralized promotion for active duty.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you have not attended the promotion board and been recommended for promotion yet.
Now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the promotion regulation, specifically the portion regarding semi centralized promotion for active duty.
SPC (Join to see)
I am a Army Reserve TPU soldier. That means I do not have to physically go before a board, although I do have to submit a promotion packet which includes my promotion point worksheet, which at this time is not populating my information. I have gone over the regulation and I think I have a steady grasp on the reg. Just tying up loose ends.
SFC (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) my point is that you're probably not promotable, which would make your worksheet blank. Which leads to a series of other questions best answered by sitting down with your first line leader.
SPC (Join to see)
Thank you for the quick response CSM, but I literally meant tabs. The tabs you use in the manilla folder to separate documents.
CSM Charles Hayden
SPC (Join to see) Sorry, w/the current focus on awards and decorations you
confused me. SPC (Join to see)
confused me. SPC (Join to see)
I have been part of 4 different RC battalions and they all have followed the same method for the packet, the same advice that 1SG (Join to see) posted. I won't repeat that, but offer additional advice. Make your packet sparkle. Print any copies of your documents with the best quality print and when applicable use color. Make sure that "portrait" facing documents are placed so that they will be read in normal (left-to-right) configuration. Make sure that any "landscape" documents (often the case with awards and citations) are placed so that the reviewer only has to turn the folder 90 degrees clockwise to read it. Trust me when I say that no one likes to work hard to have to review the info within. If a reviewer on the board has to spend time flipping the packet around and turning it in various directions as he or she goes through the tabs, that person will almost surely just toss it aside and move on to the next one.
Since you won't have a chance to face the board in person, this will be the only chance to show how well you pay attention to detail and show that you care about the product you are presenting.
Since you won't have a chance to face the board in person, this will be the only chance to show how well you pay attention to detail and show that you care about the product you are presenting.
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