Posted on Apr 18, 2019
Michelle Rogers
Mother of 3 considering 14G. I’ve read that it is a good MOS for promotion and possibly CWO, plus there is a decent bonus. How does this MOS effect family life? (Frequent deployments, work hours, trainings, etc) any insight is appreciated. My husband is a veteran so we aren’t unfamiliar with military life, just curious about this MOS in particular.
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Responses: 6
LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 6 y ago
How often does 14G deploy? That isn't the question. How often do the ADA units deploy? Answer when there is a request for Forces that requires ADA capability. There have been operational deployments to Europe and the Med. you really can't game it by deployments. It's luck of the draw.

Bonuses are all well and good. Pursuing an appointment as a warrant officer is a great goal. 14G only directly feeds 140A and indirectly feeds 153 series warrants.

Promotions. Promotion to E4 is all on you. E5 and E6 are semicentralized and dependent on you passing a board, doing SSD, and accruing points.

The Army has periods where you train for upcoming missions on an accelerated pace, then other times where there is a relatively less training. You typically work set duty hours in Garrison, punctuated by mission and readiness demands that have you work extended hours. ADA typically does shift work while deployed to man key systems to provide 24/7 support.

The real question: is this what I want to do?

The Basic Warrant Officer tag is for an old MOS. Recommend deleting it and simply go with Warrant Officers.
Michelle Rogers
Michelle Rogers
6 y
Thank you for the information!
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
6 y
LTC Jason Mackay is truly one of the great members of RallyPoint worldwide. So helpful to countless people. It's amazing to me how much he knows and how articulate his answers are.
SGT Psychological Operations Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Sir, according to the USARC Warrant feeder list, 14G feeds into three different WOMOSs; 140A, 140K, 140L. Is that information not accurate?
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
SGT (Join to see) - the tag on his post has 8001 Basic Warrant Officer. I realize there are ADA warrants. I missed the other two, but if this poster did any initial or follow up research they'd know that.
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SFC(P) Jonathan P.
I would suggest to consider other options that are more beneficial for you family. This MOS is a good MOS but you won’t get the full experience as it really changes your work flow and patterns. From a father point of view look into administrative jobs, admin, 42A, or tech jobs etc.. cyber security and stuff of that nature.
Michelle Rogers
Michelle Rogers
6 y
Thank you for the answer!
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SGT Sentinel Team Leader
As a 14G I have deployed twice, once to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. Doing C-RAM Missions and that was out of Ft Campbell. Now I am currently in a Division Artillery unit working in a ADAM/BAE cell in Kansas. As a 14G you could almost end up anywhere. In a ADA unit, a Brigade of in a division. I have a wife and son and I get lots of time with them when we are not in the field or on TDY. All of the training, work hrs and Deployments all depend on the Unit you are assigned to after Basic and AIT at Ft Sill, OK
Michelle Rogers
Michelle Rogers
6 y
Can I ask how long those deployments were and how many years/months apart were they?
SGT Sentinel Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
They were 9 month deployments, and about 15-18 months apart due to our operations. Michelle Rogers
Brandy Ledford
Brandy Ledford
>1 y
May I ask how long you were enlisted before you were deployed ?
SGT Sentinel Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I was in about 2 and a half years before my first deployment. Brandy Ledford
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