Posted on Apr 2, 2019
Why would my DD214 state Uncharacterized after receiving a NGB22 honorable discharge?
I completed basic training and AIT and was transferred to my national unit where i finshed the rest of my term and received a ngb22 honorable discharge....I went straight from basic training to national guard and finshed....My question is why if i went through active straight reserve and finsh....Why my dd214 state uncharactierized on separation of character and when i finshed i got a ngb22 honorable.....I know national is state and active is federal but if i went straight through why i have different discharges?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
PV2 (Join to see) The DD 214 only covers periods of Active Duty. It's right on top of the form "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty". When you go from an AD for training status to a Reserve Component status that ends the 214's period of active duty service. AR 635-5 describes preparation of DD214s. In the definition of Characterization of Service it says that discharge of soldiers from IET is uncharacterized. Normally you need 6 months on AD to receive a characterization.
Same definition is in 635-200.
"Character of service for administrative separation
A determination reflecting a Soldier’s military behavior and performance of duty during a specific period of service. The three characterizations are honorable, general (under honorable conditions), and under other than honorable conditions. The service of Soldiers in entry-level status is normally described as uncharacterized."
Unless someone else has a personnel specific process or business rule that's not in these two regulations, I'd say your 214 is correct as is.
Same definition is in 635-200.
"Character of service for administrative separation
A determination reflecting a Soldier’s military behavior and performance of duty during a specific period of service. The three characterizations are honorable, general (under honorable conditions), and under other than honorable conditions. The service of Soldiers in entry-level status is normally described as uncharacterized."
Unless someone else has a personnel specific process or business rule that's not in these two regulations, I'd say your 214 is correct as is.
LTC Jason Mackay
PV2 (Join to see) NPRC Veteran records explains what’s what, you could direct them there.
PV2 (Join to see)
Ok, Will try to do that Sir, Thank you very much for all your help..... Also after talking to HRC, Iwas told that the reason why it was uncharacterized . During AD someone along the line did not submit my AIT records where the order awarding my MOS was....HRC told me if i able to find those order and everything else that can prove i was awarded those orders and submit them with a SF 180 FORM, THAT they will be able to change.....would you know where to get such orders????? I try my old NG company but its been around 18 years and they dont have my records, so they referred to the natioanl archive....What can you suggest????
LTC Jason Mackay
PV2 (Join to see) - do you not have a copy of the orders that sent you basic training and AIT? Your service record should have the training documents from AIT. Do a VetRec request from NPRC. You can also google JST joint service transcript and download your JST. It will show your AIT on it
PV2 (Join to see)
Will do thanks .... to be honest I was issued paper work ar meps right before leaving to basic to give it to admin once i arrived.....The same when i finished basic and ait, to be given to my unit once i arrived.... not once i thougbt of opening the paper work, i was told to take the paper and give it to admin or unit once i sure tge orders n everything else was there...
It's very normal. As LTC Mackay pointed out, a short Active Duty period doesn't warrant a characterization. Every time you're placed on AD longer than 90 days and less than 180 you will receive a DD214 that states uncharacterized. In your case, your veteran status is established by your NGB22.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) if you want to search for it, there's a thread on here called, what defines a veteran. Someone posted the actual definition by USC and the link to it. Also, your GI Bill is a VA benefit that reservists receive.
SSG (Join to see)
Which GI Bill? As a national guard member I could not pay into the Montgomery, and a service member doesn't earn the post-911 until after 36 months of active duty, being title 10 or 32.
PV2 (Join to see)
Thank you, Inhave educated my self on the matter uncharacterized character of serves a short AD will result in uncharacterized, anything less then180.Thanks you been much helpful
Would you know, where I can get my orders awarding my MOS. I was In AD In 2000 so my unit doesnt have my files any more....i was told its in the national archives.
Would you know, where I can get my orders awarding my MOS. I was In AD In 2000 so my unit doesnt have my files any more....i was told its in the national archives.
SFC (Join to see)
PV2 (Join to see) if it was filed in the national archives that's the only place you would find it. If it was never filed you might never find them. But your MOS will be on your 214
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