Posted on Mar 26, 2019
PVT Infantryman
I joined the guard so I could work my current job, train as a infantryman, and hopefully have the chance to deploy as one while working on a bachelor's degree in order to meet officer requirements.

What would be the best way to become a active officer this route?

I also plan on taking as many schools as I can (airborne, ranger, air assault, etc.) and also having the dream as partaking in SFAS in the future. If possible I would like to stay infantry as that is why enlisted 11B in the first place to know what it's like for a infantryman before becoming a officer.
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Responses: 26
LTC Kevin B.
There are multiple routes to becoming an officer on active duty.
-ROTC: requires joining ROTC while in college and competing for an AD slot upon graduation.
-OCS: requires enlisting onto AD and competing for OCS.
-Direct commission: requires having a degree in hand and moving into a branch with critical shortages.
-West Point: requires outstanding grades, fitness, and major sponsorship/advocacy.

If you plan on staying in school, I would recommend joining ROTC and going that route.
PVT Infantryman
PVT (Join to see)
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Thank you for the information sir.
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CPT Lawrence Cable
The best way for you would be ROTC in college. Since you have an MOS, you can skip the first two years and join in your Junior Year. If you aren't on scholarship, you can still drill with the Guard in the Simultaneous Membership Program. So you can use your GI Bill, any state tuition assistance, and get paid to drill as an E-5 while you are SMP. Additionally, when you commission, you still keep your TIS and get paid as an O1E, which is as much as $700 more pay. As long as you don't request a Guaranteed Guard and Reserve Commission, you then compete for active duty slots with the rest of the Cadets when you commission you senior year. While you can put Infantry on your wish list, your branch on active duty is the needs of the Army. As an active National Guard soldiers, most states have funds for Air Assault. Ranger School is much harder to come by, but if you don't get it before hand, they push it pretty hard after you complete you BOLC, especially if you stay Infantry. Airborne is usually impossible in the Guard, with a couple of exceptions, but should be fairly easy to pick up after you Officer BOLC.

You can't apply for SF Selection as an officer until you are a senior 1LT promotable and have had command experience. That usually means you're a CPT before you can apply. Be aware that the only officer position at Company level in Special Forces is Detachment Commander, so you aren't at the operational level very long.
PVT Infantryman
PVT (Join to see)
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Thank you sir, will definitely help with future planning.
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CSM Charles Hayden
PVT (Join to see) A huge task it is that you are assuming.

What career guidance people have you sought guidance from?
PVT Infantryman
PVT (Join to see)
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Not any yet. I'm still waiting to be done with training then after I'll be looking at college programs. The only resource I've been using thus far is the internet.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
Read all I sent, promise, you'll find it useful, elaborate as is described, if you need help, ask, ill.answer, ok? No rush, whenever you want, and trust me about the state maritime colleges, my best friend in USAF was VMI, I nearly applied to SUNY Maritime College,.I've known many who went there, my brother was USMMA Kings Point, I commissioned him...look.also at NOAA Xommissiioned Corps, plus, USCG has their own scholarship programs, look up MARGRAD for USCG for the maritime colleges, trust me, ok?
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