Posted on Mar 14, 2019
How do I get a slot for air assault/airborne school as a reserve soldier?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 12
Best way? Turn in your conditional release and go active. Otherwise, unless your unit is authorized those slots (yours is not) you won't be going.
SFC (Join to see)
SPC (Join to see) yes there are, but I'm not aware of any MP units that are, meaning you'd have to change your MOS.
If being airborne is important enough to you to switch jobs and units, go active. Otherwise, it's just another cool guy school that you're hoping to get a badge out of. Which is fine, but on the priority list, that's very low. Job satisfaction should sit much higher on your list of priorities.
If being airborne is important enough to you to switch jobs and units, go active. Otherwise, it's just another cool guy school that you're hoping to get a badge out of. Which is fine, but on the priority list, that's very low. Job satisfaction should sit much higher on your list of priorities.
SPC (Join to see)
You’re right about the cool guy school I want to get the badge out of, thank you for the help SFC!
MAJ Javier Rivera
SPC (Join to see) only Reserves unit’s with authorized jump slots are Rigger companies (they have to) and a few Civil Affairs, PSYOP, and 1 or 2 Combat Cameras. Not many. Same goes in the National Guard, they actually have 2 SF groups.
Join one of the reserve airborne units. Multiple CAPOC units are airborne along with rigger units. Airborne units are also authorized pathfinders which generally get air assault slot. This will require you reclassify to a new MOS
CPT(P) (Join to see)
Sir, I enjoyed reading your post. Do you have any advice for me? Please see post:

Airborne Slots for Reserves / AMEDD, Civil Affairs? | RallyPoint
Completed all requirements / paperwork to attend, but Fort Benning denied AOC waiver stating: Not in paid parachutist position, not on orders to airborne unit. POC there said walking-on was not an option. Is there another way while maintaining 66H (soon to be 66S / critical care RN) AOC, or do I need to gain a new AOC, and transfer to a new branch / unit? I've fulfilled my contract obligation, and there was no bonus for my AOC. Could my branch...
Is up to your unit if they are willing to spend the funds, unless your unit MTOE authorized positions... and have the available funds!
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