Posted on Mar 3, 2019
PFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I recently submitted my DD368 to go active duty and it has been approved by my company commander. Per my situation, I was told that they are trying their best to push it through the chain of command so that I can be released from the National Guard. I am aware that this request has to be approved at the company, battalion, brigade and state level. They seem fairly confident that it will be approved considering my current circumstances and the fact that I’m double slotted in the unit. But I was just curious as to what my chances of having my request denied beyond the company level are.
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Responses: 7
CSM Charles Hayden
@PFC Morgan Komarek Your responsibility is to keep track of your DD368. Your quest, your responsibility to monitor the application.
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
6 y
You are correct CSM! Nevertheless I’m sure you found a few knuckleheads during your career that never to maintain folks informed; the information had to be pulled like molars!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
6 y
MAJ Javier Rivera Agreed, many people have rice bowls and personal turf!
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
You are in the Guard, the approval authority for your DD 368 is your state G1.
Your BN and BDE merely recommend approval or disapproval. Regardless of their recommendation, your BN and BDE are responsible for forwarding that request to your G1 in a timely manner, and getting it back to your company in a timely manner once the G1 has approved or disapproved.
Once your company has forwarded your request, it should get to the G1 in about 4 weeks.
Starting on week 5, your company should be asking for updates every Monday until it is at G1.
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LTC Warren Miller
First, good luck. Second, please remember each case is different and considers a number of factors. Remember that you are a person to your Company (and possibly Battaluon) Commander, but above that you are a number. And each number in the ranks equals $$$ from the federal level for your component. If your 368 arrives near that $$ determination date, it will likely be delayed or denied. Double-slotted in your position is irrelevant if your MOS is under strength across the board - again it’s numbers. And the arguement that “Big Army” is a greater good doesn’t fly since you signed a contract with the NG - and for awhile I saw 368s denied until over 50% of the initial contract time had been met. I saw more 368s denied than approved and some of the “no-brainers” I had to fight hard for. My worst one was a young kid who was essentially homeless and unemployed but denied due to the numbers and contract issue with the added “the Army is not a charitable organization or an employment agency.” Now that was cold!

Again, good luck.
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
6 y
I’m not in the known when it comes to NG release, but if saw myself as an approving officer I would signed in a heartbeat! I would consider the Soldier’s wishes since at the end s/he could become a No Show and that will definitely hurt the organization.
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