Posted on Feb 20, 2019
SGT Robert Cupp
I came into the active duty army as an 88m where I served several years. I reclassed to 11B when I was in the guard and I was an 11B for many years. Earlier in 2018 I came back on active duty but the army made me an 88m again with 11b as my secondary. How long do I have to serve as an 88m before I can go back to the infantry where I belong? And what do I need to do to make this happen?
Posted in these groups: 090710 a 3251c 006 Reclass874b922 InfantryExpertsights e1324327272686 MOSAe62b08c DA Form 4187
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4187. Doesn’t mean it’ll happen cause it needs to get signed, but that’s how you do it.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
A 4187 isn't a magic bullet, it's a paper version of an email.

In order to switch your secondary MOS to your primary, you must contact the MOS propenent of your previous MOS asking for a memorandum stating that you are still qualified in your previous MOS. In your case, it's the Infantry school in Benning. Take that to your career counselor to submit a voluntary Reclass. HRC will determine the strengths of the MOS's and render a decision. Right now 11B2 is very under strength.
You have to be on station at least 1 year prior to submitting your Reclass.
SSG Dennis Mendoza
SSG Dennis Mendoza
6 y
Thank you SFC Boyd I search for an answer and you just did here. Once again thank you for being so knowledgeable.
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SFC William Sutherland III
As an Army Reservist, I’ve switched my MOS several times; all of my three or four were awarded. The National Guard is the same kind of beast, in that, if in any slot that a TO&E listing has open you will be awarded that position { if not then you can’t be added that position and slot and only if qualified} your S-1 NCO will confirm that!
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