Posted on Feb 20, 2019
Can you rejoin the Army if you're discharged for failing to get promoted?
Can you come back in as a different MOS or the same?
Or can you join the National Guard if you're discharged for failing to get your P-status?
I’m curious. Any helpful info is appreciated.
Or can you join the National Guard if you're discharged for failing to get your P-status?
I’m curious. Any helpful info is appreciated.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 8
I'm not aware of any discharge for failure to progress, unless you were Chaptered for that. That's a whole different problem which brings on issues of RE codes and bars in place at the time of separation.
I think that you are referring to RCP, where you are unable to extend or reenlist past your retention control point do to your rank. If that is the case oh, you can join the reserve component, get your next rank, and then apply to join the active component again.
I think that you are referring to RCP, where you are unable to extend or reenlist past your retention control point do to your rank. If that is the case oh, you can join the reserve component, get your next rank, and then apply to join the active component again.
SGT Darin Jenkins
RCP Retention Control Point states that if a solider fails to make a certain rank within a certain time frame the said soldier WILL NOT be allowed to reenlist and will ets IF SAID solider doesn't have any flags then said solider will receive separation pay.
SGT Darin Jenkins
If you join a Nat Guard then try to reenter active component you will be required to repay all said separation pay.
SFC (Join to see)
SGT Darin Jenkins separation pay for RCP is only authorized when the SM agrees to three years of IRR or reserve component service.
I don't think you have to repay all the separation pay for reentering service. However, if you later retire or are moved to the disability list and receive disability payments the amount of your separation pay is recouped over a period of time until the separation pay amount has been recouped.
I don't think you have to repay all the separation pay for reentering service. However, if you later retire or are moved to the disability list and receive disability payments the amount of your separation pay is recouped over a period of time until the separation pay amount has been recouped.
PVT(P) Aaron M. M. Bryant it depends on what your RE Code is on your DD214 is and how your discharge is characterized. To get an idea you may want to look at AR 601-210, Chapter 3. Recruiters are the ones that are the gatekeeper on this. If you get an RE Code 3 or 4 they have to get the person a waiver. There is also a three character separation code that it's the reason of discharge. So the answer is it depends.
See the Reserve Component Counselor about ARNG eligibility.
SFC (Join to see) how do they usually classify this separation?
See the Reserve Component Counselor about ARNG eligibility.
SFC (Join to see) how do they usually classify this separation?
SFC (Join to see)
It all depends on how it came about. There is no chapter for failing to be promotable. Typically what happens is that the service member fails to become promotable and reaches the retention control point and then they ETS. At that point, they are eligible to transfer into the reserve component and receive separation pay
The other possibility is that they were barred prevent them being placed on the mandatory list. Then they separate after ETS with a bar in place, or the command can choose to chapter them, both of those results in an re3 code. The other common way is that the service member fails to do their SSD and the department of the army places a bar against them. At that point they either ETS with the bar in place, or will be chaptered after 1 year
The other possibility is that they were barred prevent them being placed on the mandatory list. Then they separate after ETS with a bar in place, or the command can choose to chapter them, both of those results in an re3 code. The other common way is that the service member fails to do their SSD and the department of the army places a bar against them. At that point they either ETS with the bar in place, or will be chaptered after 1 year
I do believe that technically it is possible, yes. You should talk to a recruiter.
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