Posted on Feb 6, 2019
PFC Jade Wilson
Long story short I’ve been going through the process of reenlistment since October 2018

I finally have a meps date of the 11th and 12th and apparently it’s just for a physical. So I won’t get to get orders that day or even an idea of where I’ll be going. My recruiter keeps saying it’s like that because I have to wait on a reenlistment code waiver. But my thing is everywhere it says with a re-2 your fine to re-enlist without a waiver.... so what exactly is the hold up ? And why can’t I process in like a normal soldier who doesn’t have to go to basic training or ait ?
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Responses: 8
SFC Platoon Sergeant
If you have an RE 2 you just have to have been out of the Army for 93 days is what the regulation says. No waiver necessary. This isn't a common RE Code so you may want to have your recruiter double check the regulation.
PFC Jade Wilson
PFC Jade Wilson
6 y
Discharge was effective 15 DEC 2017, so I’ve been out for a minute.
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SSgt Security Forces
You should be good to go with an RE2 for reenlistment, unless the MOS requires a Secret which case it could require a waiver. Enlistment standards have dramatically increased in recent years, so, be patient and check all the boxes. And, if needs be, consult the recruiting site Commander foe further guidance. That's why they are there.

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LTC Jason Mackay
AR601-210 Para 3-19
2) For applicants who served in RC, the following documents will verify PS:
(a) DD Form 214 or DD Form 215 will be used to verify all periods of active and inactive military service of the member before the date of his or her last separation from active military service; however, entries may appear in error to the recruiter, or the applicant may dispute the entries. Only the original form, the actual carbon copy, a certified copy of the original form, a legible copy verified by REDD from Defense Manpower Data Center, or a records depository copy furnished by the recruiting official under paragraph 3–19c is authorized for verification purposes. DD Form 214 or DD Form 215 will not be used to verify RC membership, or the nature of the RC service after the member’s date of last release from active military service, unless recruiting officials obtain an accompanying discharge order.
(b) The recruiting battalion operations NCO or officer is authorized to use the HRC Assignment Orders and Resource Systems to verify RC service. This verification may be used when all other attempts to obtain documents have been exhausted.

That might be it.

Para 3-20 Table 3-1 regarding an RE-2 "Applies to: Soldier separated prior to the effective date of this regulation. These codes will not be used. Eligibility: Qualified for enlistment, provided reason and authority does not preclude enlistment or require a waiv- er. Applicant may not enlist until 93 days after separation if otherwise qualified." Is your recruiter waiting for the 93 day clock to run out?
PFC Jade Wilson
PFC Jade Wilson
6 y
No, my discharge was effective
15 DEC 2017.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
PFC Jade Wilson if they sent stuff to BN....
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