Posted on Jan 20, 2014
SSG Recruiter
I have been in the Army for almost 6 years and have enjoyed every year. I am honored to be a Non Commissioned Officer and I love to lead Soldiers every day. The problem that I'm having is that I have never been deployed, I have asked multiple times and I always get one or the other answer "we don't need cooks or the unit left before I got there. I think Soldiers should be able to ask to deploy with units that need to fill slots. Anyone have any suggestions or comments?
Posted in these groups: Imgres DeploymentWIAS
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Responses: 26
LTC Program Manager
Have you applied for deployed jobs on PFI or Tour of Duty?

SPC Private First Class
SPC (Join to see)
11 y
I have not yet sir. but I will d efinantly check that out.
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
11 y
Not sure about tour of duty but on PFI you can apply for jobs outside your MOS and if you are selected you can fill the slot.  They had jobs for MRAP drivers before that anyone could do.

Good luck.
SPC Aviation Operations Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
Sir, I understand this is an old thread, but I'll ask here before starting a new one. Is there a link to PFI and does it apply to NG? I'm in the ARNG and would like to volunteer for a deployment as my unit is not expecting anything anytime soon.
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
It should apply for guard as well
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SGT Bn C&E Ncoic
Call branch and ask for any WIAS Tasking (Worldwide Individual Augmentation System) available for deployment. I'm downrange right now as a WIAS tasker, also known as an Individual Augmentee. Although I did not ask branch for this assignment (I did not know this system existed before) an OPORD came down to my brigade for 1 soldier with a specific MOS to fill this mission and since I met all the requirements, I volunteered for it and now I'm doing 12 months in Afghanistan with a different unit. I was having the same issue you are, this was my 3rd deployment I volunteered for and always was told no for some reason but finally got an ok (guess 3rd time was the charm).
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SFC James Baber
Edited 11 y ago
They do and are, I volunteered for 4 of my 9 combat tours during my career. It mainly depends on your units MTOE strength on whether or not the Command will allow you to go or protect you for the unit, also it is an MOS issue as well at times, there are many reasons why you could get denied and approved, just keep putting in for it, but with the current changes and cutbacks, and drawdowns, I think the opportunities are drying up as well.
SSG Recruiter
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
Very true indeed SFC Barber, I'll keep trying thanks for the comment.
SFC James Baber
SFC James Baber
11 y
Well sir,

My career started in the 80s and ran through the first decade of the millennium. I started with Panama, then DS/S, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, OEF, and OIF twice, those are all classified as combat related, that doesn't include all the other various rotations to other locations that qualified for hazardous duty pay, such as Honduras, Turkey x2, and numerous drug interdiction missions during the late 80s and early 90s to many places that officially were not on the books. MPs get sent everywhere that most MOS's never go, they go more places than even Infantry and AB personnel. Hopefully that can help your curiosity on the subject as there are many places I cannot even list as I mentioned as they are not officially on the books except maybe for the sub-level command areas of the Pentagon.
SSG Richard Stevens
SSG Richard Stevens
11 y
Mine started in the 80s as well. Germany ft still ok back to Germany 12months later. Did, 4years three back to ft still ok and Florida. And Germany.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
>1 y
Do not know if this will work today, but instead of just putting in 1049s, get to know the NCOIC of the section in post personnel that handles the levies when they come down to the post. He/she might be able to get you where you want to go, as long as your unit does not protest too much.
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