Posted on Oct 29, 2018
SSG Squad Leader
Has anyone ever experienced a situation where a company commander and XO wrote up their own CIBs and had them approved, but didn’t bother to do the same for the rest of the company who was in the same location at the time?
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Responses: 17
SrA John Monette
definitely dirty pool by the CO and XO
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
SSG (Join to see) If I remember correctly, the package is a 4187 (individual request for action) with supporting documentation. Check HRC Awards Branch FAQ for the details of the package. Authority is AR600-8-22 Military Awards, para 8-6 (read the whole thing).

(2) Retroactive award of the Combat Infantryman Badge. Retroactive award of the CIB is authorized for time periods specified above for fully qualified individuals. The awards may be awarded by Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Awards and Decorations Branch (AHRC–PDP–A), 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122–5408. Applications for retroactive award to active duty Soldiers and RC Soldiers will be forwarded through command channels to the first general officer (for endorsement) to HRC for processing. Retirees and veterans should a d d r e s s t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n s t o N a t i o n a l P e r s o n n e l R e c o r d s C e n t e r ( N P RC ) , 1 A r c h i v e s D r i v e , S t . L o u i s , M O 63138–1002. All ARNG requests, once endorsed, will be submitted to the Director, (ARNG–HRH–A), 111 S. George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22204–1373 prior to being submitted to HRC. Such awards will not be made except where evidence of injustice is presented.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you very much Sir.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) you’ll have to have witness statements and any other documentation like the 1594 in the TOC, official unit report. If it was Afghanistan before ISAF ended, you could request the existing data from JOCwatch provided the tic was reported.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
It was 2017 in Iraq Sir
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
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SGT Forrest Fitzrandolph
Never saw it or heard of it, but if I had I would have ripped that CIB off his chest and shoved it where the sun don’t shine!!
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Yea it happened a lot of us didn’t know about it until we saw them on social media start wearing them after they left the unit.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
There are bogus CIBs just like CABs and Purple Hearts. Conversely, there are so many joes that weren’t awarded any of them, yet absolutely earned them, for any of a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, it happened all too often.
Nothing says “about to sh*t my pants” like when a 1SG with short time announces he’ll be in the turret in your truck, knowing he hopes the mission goes sideways so he can get some flair before going home.
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