Posted on Oct 6, 2018
SPC Petroleum Supply Specialist
I don't want to sound stupid for asking this, but here it goes. So I have had major back and hip issues for a while, but I don't qualify for a MEB. I am not really seeking compensation anyway, even though it would have been nice. I am basically going to be going through a Chapter 5-17 for it since I can't wear my gear without worsening conditions and the army has no more use for me.

That's all whatever, my wife and I have come to terms with it. My issue comes in from the fact that my commander has agreed to initiate it, however, she is holding onto it until I do something for her. When that's completed, it's another thing, then another, then wait for a replacement when it is never brought up etc. Can she just hold onto this until she feels fit? Or is this a quid pro quo situation (not in the SHARP category, more you do a task for me type stuff) since she is holding it me over her head?

I am one of the 2 that works in the training room at the unit and she doesn't want to let me go. But I am trying to save myself here. This is my health I am worried about as some days I can't even get out of a chair without assistance.

Didn't know if this is something I should go to a higher open door policy or go to IG or anything. I really appreciate everyone's help.
Posted in these groups: Ems MedicalIG
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Responses: 7
CPT Robert Boshears
Please seek advice. If not military retired, run to a VA counselor. I am 100% VA, 2 fractured lumbar discs, L5-S1 two surgical rebuilds, one cervical disc herniated and one herniated in my neck. Ohhhh, an implanted intrathecal pain pump connected to my spine... I tried to stop an 1800 pound pallet of projectiles from hitting a gun mount. At 18 it didn’t seem so bad. The next 11 years I pushed myself.... Motrin, braces, 120 extra strength Vicodin and 60 # 10 valiums per month... I was on a chemical vacation. It was ruled a combat injury. I collapsed on my 16th year..... hired an attorney, who assured me any bad back injury will eventually get 100%. Get good advice... and the attorney could only charge 10%. You won’t believe the benefits
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CSM Charles Hayden
Do not qualify for a MED Board? The Army initally accepted you with previous/latent physical problems? SPC (Join to see)

I do confuse easily, please explain? Prior injury I understand. Why you were enlisted, that I don’t understand!
SPC Petroleum Supply Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
Negative CSM. I didnt have any issues prior to joining. Was actually in really good health. Not sure what it was exactly but I hurt myself. My xray showed I have osteoarthritis in both sides of my hip and my MRI showed that I have 4 bulging disks. According to the Orthopedic surgeon I am still fit for worldwide deployment but my provider said that he can tell I am not since my condition Is worsening. My provider told me that was the last step to possi ly getting an MEB and since the Ortho didn't recommend it the only thing that was possible was either chapter 5-17 or end up getting out for APFT failures since my back can't handle those anymore. I opted for the 5-17. He wrote me a recommendation memo to my commander and she agreed with it. She has my packet and everything (minus my counseling from her). She just refuses to initiate it until she has her way. She sees me as too big of an asset to the company and my wife is the head of the FRG. She already told my wife she wouldn't think about reevaluating it until after we hold this holiday FRG party in December. I just don't think it is right to do that, and was trying to see what steps I needed to take CSM.
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
6 y
this is one of those WTF moments and now i'm confused you have 4 bulging discs why didn't your primary seek out a second opinion higher up the command?
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MGySgt Rick Tyrrell
One more thing take a witness with you both times
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