Posted on Oct 4, 2018
MAJ Samuel Weber
Caught a glimpse of a HQDA OPORD transferring all Medical Logistics assets to AMC effective 01 OCT 2018? I know the 90A think Logistics is Logistics and that Medical is not special. I began my Officer career in a Sustainment Brigade, home of the 90A. Now that I’m a 70K (MEDLOG) and have some broader experience in Medical Materiel Management, I’m concerned about how this change will affect my career field and if AMC is ready for the vast responsibility of managing the complex world of Medical Logistics. Thoughts from my 90A our there? Any 70K with some input?
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Responses: 7
LTC Stephan Porter
Absolutely! They are nit just doing it blind, they are assuming control over the commands responsible for it. We will have to educate and make cogent, sensible arguments about why we do things. Ultimately, they notion that we are so very different will evaporate.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
MAJ Samuel Weber I recommend you doing a Right Sear Ride at either NTC or JRTC and observe how units prepared in terms of CLVIII, CLS, MES, how they conduct resupply, and just what is the medical LIS from MC4 to wholesale and determine for yourself the State of medical readiness within a BCT. And yes, logistics is logistics. Distribution operations may be your actual focus and area of concern. v/r
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
>1 y
I understand that Sir, but we still have embedded MEDLOG units in the BCT as well as CSH and IMSA support. The BMSO has a pretty simple job of supporting a small medical platoon and Aid Station. But when you start talking about an MTF, MEDCEN, Combat Support Hospital, etc the job becomes very complex. I spent my first four years in a Sustainment Brigade, now that I e seen MEDLOG from the Hospital and TLAMM levels, I’m not sure if AMC assuming control of a joint organization like MEDLOG (USAMMA, MRMC, USAMMDA, etc) we run the risk of cutting out the support to the other services. I know the OPORD states that DHA would now be a customer. We did that with DLA and they still continue to struggle as a Combat Support Agency. Just my perspective.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Samuel Weber I thought the OPORD specifically mentioned tactical level medical units? I agree that MTF and higher will have an issue.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
The process is actually more streamlined. Why would it not work? MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
6 y
LTC (Join to see) negative Sir. They took over the entire Class VIII Commodity. MEDLOG atvteh BCT and Charlie Med levels are easy, in fact a BMSO is usually an LT. But now AMC has taken over All Class VIII. The assumed command of the Medical Research and Materiel Commmad, USAMMA and all the TLAMMs and APS. We are still transitioning, no real changes yet, our Council of Colonels is working the way forward for the GOs.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
MAJ Samuel Weber They got a big surprise when they ripped DOLs away from IMCOM circa 2012. They might be older and wiser.

There is an advantage to pooling the risk....although, I think DLA would be better postured and more in line with AMC's logic of DLA is the supply partner, AMC is the laying hands on stuff.

Risk pooling...if they manage all the stocks they can ensure no one goes zero balance and shift stock regionally to ensure the best use of the stock. They could also bulk buy at the national level and see savings without risking effectiveness. My history with this is the quality and stockage levels varied by whoever your 70Ks were and money the command would throw at it (or not). MES kits were not an issue unless you were on the patch chart or you got ganked on a CI. Sometimes you find out your C Co doesn't have squat and you have to rebuild. Others have too much. Then there is stock rotation as medical supplies, as opposed to A5 cards or transfer cases, expire.

Did the OPOrD say who owns the stock at what level? Is it like any other SSA where AMC owns it until it is issued to a unit...when they pay for it? Will the reps go through GCSS-A or through the Medlog sTAMIS? Will C Co still run the medlog section independent of the SSA?

When SARSS-O came and Then the change to the AWCF, AMC controlled the stock in SSAs...on paper. At the end of the day, the SSA was unit run for the unit (BCT). The reason why AMC wanted DOL was for the SSAs. IMCOM wisely said it's all or nuthin'.

What could suffer is Medical Officer Initiative. I know my C Co Commander in Afghanistan used to be a Med O in one of our BNs. He was carefully monitoring MEDEVAC and would know what they needed replenished. He would kit up a thoughtful speedball of class VIII and put it on the outbound bird going to get the causality. The medic would exchange the patient for class VIII. If they have to mother may I out of an AMC SSA, this may become an issue in the short run. It can be worked out.

Whose managing blood and blood products?

I would say the 70K is safe, as long as you and your peers provided value added on why and where items are stocked. AMC will want efficiency. Your units will want effectiveness.
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
>1 y
All great points and questions Sir. It looks like MRMC will fall under AMC and they will exercise command over the new Medical Materiel Centers which will established in Major regions to support MEDLOG to the divisions and MTFs. DHA will become a customer of AMC (Defense Health Agency). This will mean tat AMC will now have responsibilities to support all organizations who need Class VIII. This means the VA, DHS, IHS, PHS, FEMA, and many, many more. The Class VIII commodity is more complex than the 90As know. Like your question about Blood Products, the Defense Blood Agency (I think) centrally manages all DOD blood resources. But joe let’s consider that Class VIII also includes narcotics, temperature sensitive materials (TSMP), cold chains, Medical Equipment is included as well (x-rays, MRI). The Navy had issues with TSMP. Imagine this, a unit orders anthrax. It’s TSMP, must remain at 40 F. 92Y leaves it out and it goes bad. Each bike is worth $5K, now your talking a FLIPL. All I can say is complexity is being understated.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
MAJ Samuel Weber - class IX and class I have special handling instructions. It won't be a foreign language. But that is where 70K can add value.
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) MC4 is the end user enterface for all medical supplies, to include airframe and Medical Equipment. We at the SSA (IMSA) Level use DMLSS and TEWLS. It’s due to the source of supply. Not all our supplies have NSN, some have item IDs through the Prime Vendor. It’s why MMS and MES sets are so confusing for new LTs and most 90A. Again Sir, I promise you I’m not just blowing smoke or making it sound like Class VIII is different, it’s just more complex. I say this having been the Chief of Materiel for a MEDDAC.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
MAJ Samuel Weber - getting NSNs assigned and that to reflect in sourcing contracts is not insurmountable and would actually help med log join the rest of the medical world.
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