Posted on Sep 22, 2018
How are you preparing for the new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT, formerly the ACRT)?
If you have taken or will soon take the ACFT, are you following a specific training program that is geared for the individual tasks that make up the test? If you've been part of one of the pilot testing unit did your unit change their physical training program leading up to the test or did you follow your normal PRT program? I'll be taking it myself next spring and I'm also helping to create a health promotion program for PT school that is geared towards helping folks get ready for the test so my interest is twofold.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
I am preparing for this by doing my three events of the push up, sit up and the 2-mile Run. I also am doing dumbbell lifts from the floor and shoulder shrugs. I'm starting with two 40 lb dumbbells. I also have a pull-up bar at home. I am going to do my best on the basic 3 event APFT. Since we still have a couple years left, I hope to be able to still do the old test and do well at it. I am concerned about the deadlift and I will do my own work at home. I work for UPS and I pick up heavy boxes and I do a lot of Walking On My Own as a delivery driver. I feel that this new physical fitness test is going to hurt more people than it saves. I spoke to one of your tradoc trainers here and he said that if I can do 273 points on my current APFT, I should be able to pass the new test. Since so many of our people in the military are starting to resemble Kim fatty the third AKA Kim Jong-un, I'm worried that we are going to have retention problems.
2LT (Join to see)
To help you prepare for the ACFT, you can download the ACFT App. It is on the Apple Store and Google Play. You can also get it using this link:

ACFT app - Army Combat Fitness Test App - ACFT Calculator
ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) app calculates your ACFT score. The pro version of the App will allow you to keep track of your ACRT scores over time
LTC (Join to see)
2LT (Join to see) thank you for this application! Although this is being pushed back a year in the reserve component, we are told that we're doing at least two diagnostic Army Combat fitness test and one APFT that will count for record. I still seal that many potential soldiers will not make it and some of the leadership will end up retiring.
2LT (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - Your welcome, sir. I created this App for the new test. I personally think that the sooner Soldiers start to train for it the better they will do. The minimum standard does not look too difficult.
LTC (Join to see)
2LT (Join to see) yes, but I am civil Affairs and I have a higher standard to hold. You could be in logistics unit and be stuck with your branch level of Fitness to do. My secret is I'm going to do the minimum on each event and save what little energy I have left for the Run. No longer can you brag or put on your officer evaluation report that you got to 270 or above on your APFT. Maxing the APFT like I did half of my military life will be history.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SSG Laurie Mullen - From the looks of the weight that has to be lifted, it's well over what I was told I could lift due to the metal in my feet.
SSG Laurie Mullen
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - I understand, there are somethings that we just can't do as we age, either due to injury or parts of our bodies trying to go into early retirement.
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