Posted on Sep 11, 2018
Are there any "best-kept secret" assistance programs for disabled veterans?
As my MEB draws to its logical end, I have been given my ratings and compensation estimate.
The VA has rated me at 80%, Army at 50%. VA missed a LOT of conditions (which I will address when I appeal) and so has the Army, as they lost medical records of my unit for a specific deployment.
What has me more surprised than anything else, is the amount my wife and I are supposed to live in.
$1710 a month, before taxes, deductions, and TRICARE. After everything is said and done, it will only be $1420. Our rent alone is $1150. Forget about car payments, food, and other bills.
According to the VA, I am not eligible for quality of life programs because I am not "handicapped" enough to justify more money...even though their own ratings report states that I will not able to work.
Social Security is giving me an early indication that I will not be eligible for Disability either, same reason, I am not 100% and not handicapped enough.
I have Cervical Dystonia, making my neck continuously spasm and contract towards its right side, extremely painful to the point that I have been bedridden since January. I cannot be upright for longer than 30 minutes before the pain is unmanageable and I am forced to either lay down or lean my head against something. I can't drive.
My wife has a heart condition and she is unable to work either.
So, long rant I know, but does anyone know of any programs or assistance that you know of that I can start investigating? I have been looking at telecommuting jobs for disabled veterans, supposedly all the rage now, but 95% are either health services related or require TS clearance. USAJobs open for disabled veterans usually start at high GS Grades, or assume the disability allows for an upright position (sitting on a wheelchair), nothing for people that have to lay flat.
I am very much trying to avoid ending homeless or living in our cars.
Thank you in advance.
The VA has rated me at 80%, Army at 50%. VA missed a LOT of conditions (which I will address when I appeal) and so has the Army, as they lost medical records of my unit for a specific deployment.
What has me more surprised than anything else, is the amount my wife and I are supposed to live in.
$1710 a month, before taxes, deductions, and TRICARE. After everything is said and done, it will only be $1420. Our rent alone is $1150. Forget about car payments, food, and other bills.
According to the VA, I am not eligible for quality of life programs because I am not "handicapped" enough to justify more money...even though their own ratings report states that I will not able to work.
Social Security is giving me an early indication that I will not be eligible for Disability either, same reason, I am not 100% and not handicapped enough.
I have Cervical Dystonia, making my neck continuously spasm and contract towards its right side, extremely painful to the point that I have been bedridden since January. I cannot be upright for longer than 30 minutes before the pain is unmanageable and I am forced to either lay down or lean my head against something. I can't drive.
My wife has a heart condition and she is unable to work either.
So, long rant I know, but does anyone know of any programs or assistance that you know of that I can start investigating? I have been looking at telecommuting jobs for disabled veterans, supposedly all the rage now, but 95% are either health services related or require TS clearance. USAJobs open for disabled veterans usually start at high GS Grades, or assume the disability allows for an upright position (sitting on a wheelchair), nothing for people that have to lay flat.
I am very much trying to avoid ending homeless or living in our cars.
Thank you in advance.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
OK- 1. If it is disability then it is not taxable, 2. If you are rated disabled- then anything for your conditions will be treated by the VA, not TRICARE. 3. The VA determines disability, not the Army. 4. Your personal debts are not the concern of the service. 5. Before venting, launching into anything- get with a Vet group- DAV is a very good one and see if you have an appeal case, and what they can do for you. Their Service officers are trained to work the VA- try it yourself and you will suffer.
LTC Jason Mackay
SPC Mike Davis - DAV did all those things you described for me. I.e. Do your paperwork, free To the vet and were in my corner for appeal.
SPC Mike Davis
LTC Jason Mackay - You were one of the lucky ones. DAV filled out paper work to include wife. Never heard anything for two years. Finally called DAV to ask. Some
DAV service officer called me back after about a week and told me: "IF".....IF he walked across the hallway (to the V.A.) that day he would check." He never walked across the hallway and never even called me back. Contacted my congressman...matter taken care of in a week. For increase used AMVETS had to meet with service officer. He went through all necessary paperwork filed claim. Received increase in about six months. Same regional V.A. office (Chicago) just better service organization. Glad to hear you won your appeal and please accept my appreciation for your service. Mike
DAV service officer called me back after about a week and told me: "IF".....IF he walked across the hallway (to the V.A.) that day he would check." He never walked across the hallway and never even called me back. Contacted my congressman...matter taken care of in a week. For increase used AMVETS had to meet with service officer. He went through all necessary paperwork filed claim. Received increase in about six months. Same regional V.A. office (Chicago) just better service organization. Glad to hear you won your appeal and please accept my appreciation for your service. Mike
LTC Jason Mackay
SPC Mike Davis VA had my paperwork same day. I watched them time stamp it with the DAV rep
SPC Mike Davis
LTC Jason Mackay - As i mentioned Col. I believe you were one of a few helped by the DAV. I know of several vet's who have nothing good to say about the organization. My biggest problem with them (DAV) was several years ago when the V.A, was very, very slow acting on any type of application. Two years waiting for V.A. to add wife as dependent was fair enough on my part. Than to be treated like I was by the DAV was unconscionable. Especially when my congressman cleared the matter up in a week after he received my request. When I compare my story to other vets who have tried the DAV. I look like someone on a Spring vacation in Ft Lauderdale, Fl. Again, I am pleased to hear you received correct service from the DAV and won your appeal. But, after discussing the DAV with several other vets I believe you are in the minority of those who used the DAV for assistance. Again, please accept my appreciation and respect for your service. Mike
keep filing and appealing. from what you said, I would file for 100% due to unemployability. check with your state/county Veterans Representatives. they will likely be the most up to date on what you may qualify for.
Appeal the army and the VA rating before they medically retire you. That's why the army gave you and meb lawyer. I had to appeal my VA rating because they tried to screw me by the army giving me 70% and the VA gave me 100% but was taking it back down to 90% because they said I got better, my lawyer and doctor were pissed and my army lawyer filed an appeal and a few months later the VA sent a letter saying that they made a mistake and I had gotten worse with no chance of improvement and rated me 100% permanent and total and the army rated me at 100%. As for SSDI that's a battle that you just have too keep fighting as they turned me down twice saying just because the us army and veterans administration says I'm disabled doesnt matter to social security as they felt that nothing was wrong with me. Just dont retire without fighting it, your peblo and meb lawyer will show you what to do, that's why the army provides them to you.
SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA
Currently, the Army MEB lawyer only works/assists on the Army side of the ratings, not on the VA ratings or appeal. Not only that, I can't appeal my ratings until I actually retire, that's when the ratings become official until then they are just suggested.
My assigned PEBLO was no help as he was always either on leave or "in training", and my lawyer would not even talk about VA questions, his answer being mainly "I cant help you with that, I can only help you with Army ratings"
My assigned PEBLO was no help as he was always either on leave or "in training", and my lawyer would not even talk about VA questions, his answer being mainly "I cant help you with that, I can only help you with Army ratings"
SGT Joseph Miller
SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA my army lawyer wrote my appeal to the VA and you saying you can't appeal your army rating until you retire is wrong. You do not have to accept it and theres a place on the form to refuse it and your lawyer writes his disagreement and they have to reconsider it. They just don't give you a rating and say that you'll take it and that's that. Even in the military you have due process on not just criminal charges but also in non judicial and medical boards. You need a new lawyer.
SGT Joseph Miller
SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA also, since they have revamped the medical board and IDES process, va is now a part of the MEB/PEB process and your MEB/PEB Lawyer is required to represent you with the whole process and if the lawyer is saying it's not his job ,then you need to file a complaint on the lawyer.
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