Posted on Aug 10, 2018
CW4 UH-60M Pilot
I am the senior Warrant Officer in an aviation battalion I want to find the opinion of Officers and NCOs alike. I have overheard conversations lately between numerous senior NCOs and Officers about the professionalism or lack there of, of the Warrant Officer Corps. As a Warrant Officer I know we have an important role in the Army but there seems to be a perception that we are lazy, unprofessional, and simply do our own thing. I want to know what the opinion of the masses is so I can mentor my junior Warrant Officers.
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Responses: 11
LT Brad McInnis
I am a legend in my own mind, but without WO's, I would have been much, much less...
CW4 UH-60M Pilot
CW4 (Join to see)
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You sir, should have been a Warrant!
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
>1 y
CW4 (Join to see) - Thank you, but no... I couldn't drink the amount of coffee required! I will say one of my proudest moments was pinning WO off one of my CPO's that got selected. He was an awesome CPO, and an even better WO!
CW4 UH-60M Pilot
CW4 (Join to see)
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LT Brad McInnis The Navy is definitely much more selective. From the few Navy Warrants I have had the pleasure of working with, they definitely get it right.
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MAJ Samuel Weber
Chief, in my experience working with WO as both an NCO and Officer some can come across as arrogant. I think too many immature Warrants tout the whole “We are mystical creatures” and some enjoy the reputation of doing what they want, when they want and not being accountable. I think if more warrants (both technical and aviation) took their role as leaders more seriously then thier reputations would grow. We only have two warrants in the AMEDD, Biomed Techs and Vet Food Inspectors. I have worked at great lengths with the Logisitcal Warrants. I think Senior Warrant Officers enforcing discipline and professionalism amount the cohort would go a long way. Thier is a large difference between what I’ve experienced with WO1-CW3 and thier Seniors the CW4 and CW5s. I find myself in better conversations with the CW4-5, more meaningful and thoughtful. Whereas the WO1-3 may vary depending on the person and how serious they take being a Warrant. Just my two cents.
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
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CW4 (Join to see) I’m glad you’re are choosing to make a change where you can, that’s all any leader can do, change the small part of the Army where we have influence. Good luck Chief and thanks for all you do for our Army.
CWO2 Cwo
CWO2 (Join to see)
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Yes we can be arrogant, but you know we earned our stripes and jo’s Need to know Their Place!
MAJ Samuel Weber
MAJ Samuel Weber
>1 y
CWO2 (Join to see) Ha ha ha. I assuming you were being funny.
CW4 UH-60M Pilot
CW4 (Join to see)
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MAJ Samuel Weber - Sir, we can only make a difference where we have influence. Right now that is in an aviation BN at Fort Drum. The Army deserves good Warrant Officers and it is my goal to try to give them a few.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
I can't speak to the current thoughts on this subject, I retired in 2016 from the Guard. Ground WO's in the Guard tend to be older and me mature, that is not saying my AD counterparts are not. Some say the Aviation community acts like the USAF. My experience with Guard Aviation WO's has been nothing but positive. A lot of Guard WO's may end being Unit commanders if their is shortage of RO's in a given state, I have heard that may be the same in the Reserves as well. Professionalism is touchy thing. In my experience All too often people see a WO as some one who knows all, about everything. The reality is we don't. I spent time in a Guard Engineer Unit, good people, but I would get asked about equipment a 919 would know about and a 915 (my MOS Automotive Maintenance) would know nothing about. Rock crushers, EOD robots? Sorry folks my side of the fence doesn't see these things. Let alone work on them or know where you get the repairs parts from (The rock crusher was allegedly the last one in the Army, and everything was contracted out to repair it). These situations can put WO's in a situation where they are no longer the SME in a unit (this unit 5 WO slots). With most of them vacant, I got hit up with a lot of questions. So I can understand where people may get the idea where there is a problem, or why a given WO may not have the aptitude of a given subject you think they should have.
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