Posted on Aug 2, 2018
CPT Icu Nurse
I’ve been in USAR for almost 2 years and I started an active duty packet after completing BOLC in March 2018. My recruiter told me I was selected for a 66S slot and my “unofficial scroll” was released June 30th. G1 signed my dd368 and release is good until December. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or advice - thank you
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CPT Personnel Officer
1LT Raymond,
As other stated responses, the current change in separating certain scrolls have certainly slowed the already slow process. However, your situation is a bit different in that you will be changing from a reserve status to an active status. BLUF is that the total process to be scrolled is 180 days (no less/no more), not sure why that number is key, but that is direct from HRC. The problem you will run into is the differences in process for the two statuses. You may have got a nod that puts you in a "P" status while in the USAR, but that won't necessarily transfer over once activated. My suggestion (if applicable) is to pin the promotion on and then go on active duty. If not you may find yourself being re-scrolled once activated and required to wait those 180 days until you could be back dated on your effective date. Hope that helps, good luck!
CPT Icu Nurse
CPT (Join to see)
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After around 4 months of waiting for the scroll process I finally got the green light to go active duty. I think I will take this opportunity and move forward. I will definitely look into how going from Reserve to Active Duty will effect promotion. I have to take my OPAT tomorrow and sign my contract for RA - Thank you for the guidance Sir!. CPT (Join to see)
CPT Personnel Officer
CPT (Join to see)
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No problem, good luck and congrats!
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1LT Health Services Administration
The process has been extremely slow this year. The recruiters don't know what's taking so long. From what I gathered looking on the HRC website, all scrolls ae behind; promotion and appointment. It sucks but its a waiting game.
CPT Icu Nurse
CPT (Join to see)
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thanks, yes gotta hurry up and wait :)
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MAJ Staff Crna
I did it for purposes of attending the Army’s active duty anesthesia school. Had to go through 3 boards: the accrediting university’s, LTHET, and commissioning. The commissioning took the longest with some odd request here and there. Once paperwork was ready and sent to board i think it took 2 months.
CPT Icu Nurse
CPT (Join to see)
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Thank you Sir, CRNA is my goal in the future. I want to get into USAGPAN or the Army CRNA program, but I would like to experience active duty first. I know the requirements right now are 2 years for time on station before applying, so once I meet that requirement I will try to get in. How was the program and experience for you Sir?
MAJ Staff Crna
MAJ (Join to see)
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Program was intense and rewarding. Decided to stay in til retirement after my obligation. Doing anesthesia is a one the best jobs out there in the Army. I can tell it’s somewhat easier to get into the program as reservist or civilian than active duty already. Simply fewer people that can hamstring you if some supervisor up the chain doesn’t want to sign. But still doable. Get your ICU time in and make friends, don’t burn bridges, rotate 2-3 days shadowing an active duty CRNACPT (Join to see)
CPT Icu Nurse
CPT (Join to see)
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MAJ (Join to see) - will do and definitely noted Sir. Unfortunately, I am at standstill because I have already been selected for an active duty 66S slot (just waiting on scroll/orders). If I withdraw now for a CRNA packet, it probably wouldn't look good. I will try my best to not burn any bridges and hope I will have a supportive leader for guidance into CRNA school on the active side. Thanks again, I really appreciate your input
MAJ Staff Crna
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) Sounds good. I can tell you we are short and in need of CRNAs (I think we are under 70%). It wouldn’t hurt to ask. The commissioning board is the same board, you have to do the 66S anyway. It’s the other ones you’ll add to it.
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