Posted on Jan 15, 2014
CW2 Joseph Evans
Stumbled across this great article/book review today. A few of the points are rather interesting. Main point is breaking out of the cultural mode we generally place women in. 
Do you think the points raised in the review are on target?
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Responses: 2
MSG Mitch Dowler
What is wrong with everyone just being themselves and treating each other as adult men and women? What cultural mode does who place what in? Despite what the mandatory political correctness classes say men and women are not equal and are not the same. The only thing we have in common is equal rights and opportunity but that does mean equal ability or equal suitability. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that we have different bodies, genitals, and brains.

I grew up not having any interest in team sports so I did what I liked. I enjoyed martial arts, shooting sports, reading, chess, etc. Everyone should just be themselves and be thankful for our differences and celebrate them. Quit expecting equal results from unequal people. There is a misconception that assumes if two people are not equal then one must be superior to the other that is crap. One may be better at or better suited for a certain task and vice versa.
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SFC James Baber


I read this as well, and I think that even with the advances we have made in not only the military and corporate worlds, the mode is still there for many and will continue for generations to come. It is partially a part of human nature as men we are bred to be the dominant species/gender, we are taught from day one to protect women or the fairer sex because it is the right thing to do, but in that note, boys are also taught that they are the stronger of the two sexes, even by their mothers, I know many will disagree, but think about when you grew up, even if you had sisters, female cousins, etc, you were taught that you must provide for them in one way or another whether it be protection, financial, emotional or many others. It is and always will be this way, it may or may not be right based on your perspective, but it is reality.

Even the article covers things such as the prove-it again category, or the don't "tail wag", these are something that is constant for females in the military, I have known many females that have actually perpetuated the Prove-it again mentality as they went over the top when dealing with Soldiers just to prove they could handle and do the job, not saying all are like that or that they need to be like that, but it happens and continues to happen, even though we strive for it not too.

I feel we have many great female leaders, but just in that statement alone shows that it does exist, but if I had said we have many great leaders, most people would have assumed it was all related to men and not even considered any women in that statement.

Men and women themselves are their own worst enemies when it comes to subjects such as this, we cannot help but have human nature rule over most of our good intentions and unbiased mentalities, it will progress just so far before our own nature will pull us back in whether male or female. 

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