Posted on Jul 18, 2018
PVT Combat Engineer
I just finished up my medical chapter packet today and it is going to be sent to battalion so they can do whatever it is they do to it so that I can be sent to RHU. I was just wondering how long does it take for battalion to finish it up? Some of my peers told me it would be six weeks! But that doesn’t sound right because it took that long for me to get to this point in my chapter. This whole thing has been a nightmare and I’d love some good news right now. Not for me but for my wife.
Posted in these groups: Military men Discharge
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SGT Retired
6 weeks will be if you’re lucky. That definitely sounds about right. Honestly, it could take longer. You’ll learn more once you get to RHU.
Remember, they handle the chapters and MEBs for all basic trainees. There were a lot that got there before you. If you’re out in 6 weeks, consider yourself lucky.

Please try to keep things in perspective. It’s only a few more months. If they told you you’re being chaptered, then there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll basically be getting paid to go to doctors appointments while you’re there, you’ll get a little severance check on the way out, and you probably earned some lifetime benefits. 6 weeks is not a long time. You’ll be home before the World Series.

But unless you die in a training accident, pretty much the fastest way out of BCT is graduation. (*note, that was NOT an endorsement to off yourself. At all. Just stating a point. The best/fastest way out of Basic is to put your head down and just get through it).

Best of luck
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CPT Robert Boshears
Get a fair and good JAG Officer. From experience, and two combat tours (Navy and Army) all three of the O5’s at my Med Board were more interested at my mix of medals. I was put out with 0 percent. The VA gave me 100%. I won’t be critical of the Field Grade Officers, but they were more concerned that I wore a USMC/Navy Combat Action Ribbon and the Army EIB. Please get good representation.
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SGT Christopher Hayden
6 weeks is actually about right, sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more.
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