Posted on Jul 8, 2018
MSgt Logistics Management Specialist
I was in the Air Force for 24 years, I keep hearing about how the Air Force spends all its money on MWR and services. You all must be talking about another service, because congressional budgets don't work like that nor do appropriations. I have been on lots of bases, MWR facilities are pretty consistent across most bases and its nonsense that that any service could re-direct funding for anything other than what is was requested for. Also when was the last time a new base was made? The only thing that has occurred in the last few years is consolidation of Air Force and Army installations. In addition your MOS/AFSC determines your work load or your quality of life. If your in a combat MOS, your not going to stay in an office, the same in the Air Force, if you work maintenance say goodbye to your weekends, and you will spend most of your time turning wrenches. not sitting in an office. There are just as many admin folks in all the services, not everyone is kicking down doors.
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Responses: 20
MAJ Battalion Executive Officer
I had many misconceptions about the Airforce, the worst one was that people in the Airforce are lazy. But one I had worked with a good number of the NCOs and Officers I found that while the Airforce seems very laid back, they are extremely hard workers who take great pride in their service and their mission.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
I myself have no misconceptions. I know the Marines eat crayons. The Air Force has people who hand out towels at gyms and hotels. The navy has floaty rubber ducks they reenlist on, and the Army will take anything with a pulse. (GED waiver right here!)
SPC John Parmenter
SPC John Parmenter
6 y
It was my privilege to serve among all four branches during my 36 month AD hitch in the U.S. Infantry. Each branch has its own unique capabilities & mission -- and each branch is positively impressive in its own way.
CWO2 Targeting Effects Officer
CWO2 Targeting Effects Officer
CWO2 (Join to see)
4 y
I like what you did here
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LTC Tom Jones
So, this isn't really how it works in the USAF?
TSgt David Holman
TSgt David Holman
6 y
LTC Tom Jones Come on now... there is a war on, we can't be splurging on niceties like chives... if we all had chives, we wouldn't be able to afford the lobster that is just off camera or the bread pudding
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
TSgt David Holman Actually there is also a beer that got cropped out of the photo.
SSgt Dallas Mulllen
SSgt Dallas Mulllen
3 y
The photo is missing the gold rimmed bone china and the lovely glass of wine that accompanies that particular ration, as well as the sterling silverware and the room service cart....
Sgt Thomas Proctor
Sgt Thomas Proctor
3 y
LTC Tom Jones - I ate c-rations more than one time during my time in the service, but that is the first time I sat outside of an open mess hall and ate them.
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