Posted on Dec 16, 2014
Army Times
635542634391234616 obama military weig
From: Army Times

FORT DIX, N.J. — Marking what he called a "turning point" for the U.S. military, President Obama on Monday saluted troops returning from Afghanistan and declared the United States is moving past the time for large deployments aimed at nation building.

Obama noted that nearly 180,000 troops were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan when he took office, and that number will be down to less than 15,000 at the end of the month.

"The time of deploying large ground forces with big military footprints to engage in nation building overseas, that's coming to an end," the commander in chief said in a speech to 3,000 at New Jersey's Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, a launching point for deployments to Afghanistan.

U.S. and NATO troops closed their operational command in Afghanistan last week after 13 years of war. Some troops will remain, however, to carry out operations against Taliban and al-Qaida targets.

"Going forward our military will be leaner," Obama said. "But as your commander in chief, I'm going to make sure we keep you ready for the range of missions that we ask of you. We are going to keep you the best trained, the best led, the best equipped military in the history of the world because the world will still be calling."

The base also has been used to send service members to West Africa to help confront the Ebola crisis.

Obama was greeted upon arrival by Republican Gov. Chris Christie. Obama and the potential 2016 presidential candidate shared a laugh and a long handshake before heading to the event to express gratitude to the troops ahead of the holidays. "You guys are like Santa in fatigues," Obama joked.

At a time when Republicans are fighting Obama's action to offer reprieve from deportations, the president singled out one immigrant working on the base. Obama said the airman, who fled civil war in his native Congo and joined the U.S. military, has "that same patriotism, that same sense of what we're about as Americans; that same creed that we can all pledge allegiance to regardless of what we look like or where we come from."

"We're fighting on the same team, for the same values and same ideals," Obama said.
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Responses: 10
CPT Jack Durish
I am sad to say that I do not trust the President's judgment. What is the basis for making a seminal shift in defense policy. I have not heard of this policy being advanced by a blue ribbon panel of experts, have you? I see nothing in his education or experience that would qualify him for making it on his own, have you?

I have never been one to jump to conclusions based on conspiracy theories but this move in conjunction with his demonstrated inclination to make excuses for our enemies or appease their demands combined with his radical altering of America's defense posture makes me vulnerable to suspicions. How about you?

Obviously, we can always rebound when a new Administration replaces President Obama's, that is, of course, he is not replaced with someone of his ideological persuasion or worse. After all, how much more damage can he do in just two years remaining in his tenure?
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MAJ Retired
If JB-MDL is "The Premier Mobilization Platform", then why is all things supporting mobilization being shut down and moved to Fort Hood TX in April 2015? Did Texas conduct more politics with its representatives, and New Jersey let it go without a fight?
Yes, mobilizations are drawing to a close (thank God), but seems to me JB-MDL has a better force projection with all the in-house assets than Fort Hood. Someone didn't look at the numbers.....
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
10 y
Yes they did Maj Jensen, they looked at the numbers VERY carefully! They looked at how much money could be exchanged to get it to Ft Hood. someone made a bundle in this deal as all deals with corrupt Governments go.
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
10 y
It all comes down to the bottom line, money. Cost of living in Texas is less compared to New Jersey
Price difference in TX
Groceries 21%less
Housing 53%less
Utilities 33%less
Transportation 19%less
Health Care 9% less
If real estate is half the cost, and utilities cut 1/3. Its worth considering
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SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
Personally, I think it's a shame the commander-in-chief of America's troops can't even bring our service members home without drawing criticism from Americans, including the military community.
America spent over a decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, $6 Trillion dollar (that's a 1/3 of the entire national debt), had over 50,000 wounded, and over 5,000 killed (thank you to all over medical personnel) the casualties easily would've been much higher without expertise

We went to find two(2) people, Sadamm and Osama. We got baited into fighting two endless wars. Declaring war on terror overseas is the equivalent of declaring war on drugs here in America. Have we rid ourselves of drugs, yet? Still, to this day, don't know what Sadamm's involvement with 9/11 was. That's a discussion another day.

I'm concerned about bankrupting our country to fund some country's wars and solve their civil unrest problems. Particularly, when a clear purpose and objective isn't defined.
If turning point means bring troops our out of the foreign lands, and letting these countries fight their battles. I'm for it.

ISIS- some point to ISIS as an example of why we shouldn't left Iraq. In my opinion, ISIS is the Iraqi Army's problem, not ours. We spent nearly ten years standing up and training them to protect their own country. They should deal with it.

However,I support the US fighting ISIS. Why? They threaten the US Embassy and Americans in the regions. They invited us when they targeted, captured, and brutally murdered innocent non-combatant Americans

I'm confused and perplexed that end of American involvement in Afghanistan doesn't draw more support
SSG Broadcast Nco
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
Marks in the sand. You raise a lot of good points about the 'war effort' in Afghanistan coming to an end, or the period at the end of the sentence. I think for some of us, myself included, there is that moment of remembering our time there and the good that we did.

For the last six months to a year, I've watched ISIS in the media and explained to friends and family of places that my booted feet had walked across, and how at one time that place was safe--that sentiment is no longer the case.

Do not get me wrong, I believe that we need to remove ourselves from the area if only to reset and re-plan what needs to be accomplished. But, for me, watching the problems that plague an area that was once my home (if only temporarily) is a bit saddening.
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