Posted on Jun 5, 2018
CW2 Louis Melendez
Has anybody heard anything about the FY 18 SFC Board results? Do you think this year will be a "good" year in terms of selection rates?

***Update*** HRC published the following message on Facebook and Twitter. This was like a WARNO to the WARNO, Lol

U.S. Army Human Resources Command
5 h ·
Many of you have been asking when the Sergeant First Class Selection Board Results will be posted. As soon as the MILPER is published with the anticipated date and time for the release we will let you know via Twitter and Facebook. Thank you for your patience and best of luck!

***Update 2***MILPER Message Number 18-204
Official Release of the FY18 Regular Army (RA) and Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Sergeant First Class (SFC) Promotion Selection List
...Issued:[6/29/2018 1:49:47 PM]...
A. MILPER Message 18-006, AHRC-PDV-PE, 4 Jan 18, subject: FY18 Regular Army
(RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) SFC
Promotion Board Announcement Message.
B. MILPER Message 17-317, AHRC-PDV-P, 5 Oct 17, subject: Preposition of
Centralized Selection Boards Results (Officer and Enlisted) to Army General Officers.
1. This message will expire 29 Jun 19.
2. The results of the FY18 Regular Army (RA) and Army Reserve Active Guard
Reserve (AGR) SFC Promotion Selection List will be posted to the Human Resources
Command (HRC) website for Commanders, Soldiers and human resource users to
download on 19 Jul 18.
a. The Army is currently staffing and pursuing a policy change in how sequence
numbers are assigned for Senior Enlisted Promotions under the HQDA Centralized
Selection Board process.
b. Current policy is to assign sequence numbers by Seniority. As we continue to
revise how we manage our talented NCOs, we recognize this application fails to
reward talent. The policy change currently in staffing, will transition the assignment of
sequence numbers from a service-based promotion to a talent/merit-based promotion.
MILPER Page 1 of 2 6/29/2018
c. However, in the interim, as we work towards these changes, the Army will stop
publishing sequence numbers on promotion lists. Beginning with the FY18 Promotion
Selection Lists, the Army will identify personnel selected for promotion as SELECTS
without publicly revealing their respective sequence number. Soldiers can still obtain
their individual sequence number from their respective Soldier Record Brief.
d. The effective date for establishing actual talent/merit-based promotions under the
new policy will be announced at a later date. Once approved and implemented, these
changes will result in recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance and those
with highest potential for increased responsibilities.
3. IAW AR 600-8-19 (para 4-1c (3): The selection list will expire effective the 1st day
of the 25th month from the date it is published. A Soldier, who is not otherwise
selected for promotion pin-on because they were not fully qualified for by-name
selection by the expiration date of the list, will be administratively removed and must
re-compete for selection by the next scheduled board (provided otherwise eligible).
a. Exception to Policy: Soldiers are to be extended on the selection list on a one-forone
monthly basis tied to formal requests for training deferments, thus equating to
extended time to remain (P) while they wait to qualify for training. Soldiers in this
category will submit a request for deferment by the 18th month if their inability to
attend training was no fault of their own.
b. Deferments must be approved by the first general officer within the Soldiers chain
of command. All deferment requests should be addressed to HRC-EPF-S Spearhead
Division Ave, Fort Knox, Kentucky, 40121, or usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.epmd-ncoesoperations@
4. Authorized release time is established at 0730 (EST) hours.
5. The prepositioning release is 17 Jul 18. This information is “CLOSE HOLD” until
the official release date.
6. Procedures: To access the HRC enlisted promotion website go to:
7. POC for this list or its release is, HRC, Promotions Branch, Senior Enlisted
Promotions Section at DSN 893-9014, commercial [login to see] or email:
[login to see] .
MILPER Page 2 of 2 6/29/2018
Posted in these groups: Army usa or 07.svg SFCIndex6 SFC BoardArmyssg SSGStar Promotions
Edited 6 y ago
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Responses: 65
SFC(P) Platoon Sergeant
Just heard from a CSM that the unofficial list comes out monday or tuesday and actual list comes out june 14/15. Not 100% though
CW2 Louis Melendez
CW2 Louis Melendez
>1 y
Let us know if you hear anything new this week!
SFC Medical Laboratory Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Guess not.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
So much for that
SFC G2 Intelligence Analysis Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
SSG (Join to see) - The time honored tradition of making Soldiers sweat
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LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
Today the active-duty lieutenant colonel board came out and so now I'm waiting for the reserve component the Lt. Colonel board to come out in the next couple of weeks. I am also cautiously optimistic because I am the zone and I'm hoping to be picked just like you are!
SFC Dagmar Riley
SFC Dagmar Riley
>1 y
Good luck Sir!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
CW2 Louis Melendez I made it! My unit will pin me and others on September 16th! Thank you for your support!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
CW2 Louis Melendez I made selection! Taking My Wife and kids from Edmonton, Alberta Canada to California and Disneyland! This will happen the weekend of September 16th! Thank you for your support!
CW2 Louis Melendez
CW2 Louis Melendez
6 y
LTC (Join to see) - Congratulations Sir! Good Luck!
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SSG Battalion Ammo Manager/ Barracks Manager
I have been a SSG for 11 years now and speaking from experience from many many many friends that have got promoted. You will recieve multiple congratulations texts before you even see the list if you make it. No matter if you are obsessed and look every 10 min. Or not like most of us. You will get a message from some one somewhere saying congratulations.
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