Recent Activity -
Born and raised in Germany, married a US soldier and had a baby prior to immigrating to the US. After getting To the US my now ex was abusing me physically and mentally Or disappeared for days leaving us without food or money. Spoke little English then and had no help so in desperation and fear for my life and that of 2 children now I joined the Army and it became my love and passion.
Military Experiences
Nov 1998 - May 2000
Movements Supervisor
Normal duties as Movement Supervisor. Several preparations for deployment in and out of NTC in the Mojave Desert in California. Had the mission to completely rewrite the Discom Unit Movement SOP for all types of movement scenarios in both war and peacetime operations (unit had no record of ever having had one before) , requiring a lot of coordination between different unit echelons as well as reaching out to units that deploy on a regular basis, such as talking to the 82d ABN Ft Bragg and 501st Ft Campbell to get expert insight from their experiences. Helping units under me to write theirs as well and help them prepare for major inspection by DOD for Unit Readiness with all of us receiving a „Go“ first time around and the division was so impressed that they wrote theirs based on ours.
Nov 1997 - Nov 1998
Movements Supervisor
Just normal duties as Supervisor of my Movement Control Team only deviation was a major flood that put most of the post and the town adjacent to us under water and I had to drive out with my boss (a wonderful MAJ) to check on passage of roads and bridges to the MSR. Had to drive over a bridge that was the only way to get out and couldn’t even see the bridge as we were driving over it since it was completely covered by water; quite a hair raising experience; someone had to do it though and it was logical to have me do it since this was the third time for me to experience this in this country and a previous flood was even worse when we were swimming among rats trying to stay alive and rescuing as much as we could from the AHA to keep things from falling into the hands of civilians .
Nov 1994 - Oct 1997
Movements Supervisor
Conducted Convoys; responsible for Movements and other Movement control issues.
Nov 1993 - Nov 1994
Movement Control Team (MCT) NCOIC/Detachment Commander
Was in charge of the MCT Waegwan keeping track of all Army Assets (trains) on a daily basis also ensured customer service ran smoothly at the train station for movement of troops within the ROK. Took over other MCT’s throughout the ROK as needed until replacement personnel came in and was involved with major movements of incoming CONUS troops for major exercises. Thought dancing for MWR in the evenings and ran MWR’s Karaoke several times a week in the evenings when my job allowed it.
(9 months)Aug 1990 - Apr 1991
Southwest Asia
Platoon Sergeant and Convoy Commander in support of Operations Desert Storm/Desert Shield.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 1993 - Nov 1993
AIT Traffic Management Coordinator (88N)
Mar 1985 - Jun 1985
AIT Apprentice Graphics Specialist Course
Jan 1983 - May 1983
AIT Meteorological Observer (93E)
Hazardous Material Handler/Certifier
Intermodal Dry Cargo Container/CSC Reinspection And Certification Course
HAZMAT/Waste Handling Course
TACCS/SIDPERS Certification
Foreign Language Skills
German (5/5)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
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